书名:Glory Road(Army of the Potomac #2)《光荣之路》英文简介:The critical months between the autumn of 1862 and midsummer 1863 is the focus of Glory Road. During this time the outcome of the Civil War is determined, as the battles at Fredericksburg, Rappahannock and Chancellorsville set the s...
“an army of the wounded, some 20,350 in number, a third of them Confederate….”Just 106 surgeons were spared from the Army of the Potomac and“the comparatively few overburdened surgeons and attendants now on duty still labored every day to the point of exhaustion.”[8]These ...
Another biographic vignette from my Gettysburg text, the first part of a section dealing with Major General Joseph Hooker who almost commanded the Army of the Potomac at Gettysburg. This section of the text deals with Hooker and his command of the Army leading up to the Battle of Chancellorsvil...
How I would like to have some of those on to Richmond fellows out here with us. 以利沙.亨特.罗德斯 Elisha Hunt Rhodes. 波托马克军团的人已经6个月没发饷, The men of the army of the Potomac had not been paid for six months, 尽管华盛顿的军队仓库里堆满了粮食, and while army warehouses ...
“他们来了,这支光荣的老波托马克军团, And so it came, this glorious old army of the Potomac, “经过6个小时的列队行进, for six hours marching past, “绵延18到20英里,身上的颜色诉说着他们悲怆的历史。 18 or 20 miles long, their colors telling their sad history. “这是一种奇怪的感觉,如此...
本杰明.巴特勒领军从詹姆斯河出兵, Benjamin Butler was to lead an army up from the James River, 乔治.戈登.米德领军从波托马克河出兵, and George Gordon Meade was to lead the army of the Potomac, 兵力逾11万人,南下对阵罗伯特.李。 110,000 strong, south against Lee. “不管李去哪里,你也去那里,...
Free Essay: 1. The movie Gettysburg begins on the notion of how the Army of Northern Virginia, led by General Lee and the Army of the Potomac led by General...
In August he was appointed commander of the Army of the Cumberland, charged with holding the vital border state of Kentucky. But now in a state of clinical depression, Sherman could not do the job, believing the enemy was too strong. “To advance would be madness and to stand still folly...
Fredericksburg campaign: Burnside makes a second attempt to get the Army of the Potomac across the Rappahannock River. The army marches doggedly upstream through a steady rain in what will become known as "the Mud March." Wednesday 21: Yesterday Companies "B and G" went. This morning "K ...
bills.It could also order the establishment of an army, but it could only request the states to supply their respective quotas of soldiers.It could not lay taxes nor bring any pressure to bear upon a single citizen in the whole country.It could act only through the medium of the state ...