Glory Road(Army of the Potomac #2)-光荣之路 打印 20 views A+ 所属分类:历史小说 作者:Bruce Catton书名:Glory Road(Army of the Potomac #2)《光荣之路》英文简介:The critical months between the autumn of 1862 and midsummer 1863 is the focus of Glory Road. During this time the outcome of ...
However, if you need to find a rare ebook or handbook, our website is the right place. We have a huge database of works of literature including by Bruce Catton The Army Of The Potomac: Mr. Lincoln's Army, Vol. 1 and many other titles.By Bruce Catton...
Define Catton Bruce. Catton Bruce synonyms, Catton Bruce pronunciation, Catton Bruce translation, English dictionary definition of Catton Bruce. Bruce 1899-1978. American historian and editor who wrote extensively on the Civil War and edited American Her
书名:A Stillness at Appomattox(Army of the Potomac #3)《沉寂的阿波麦托克斯》 英文简介:When first published in 1953, Bruce Catton, our foremost Civil War historian was awarded both the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award for excellence in nonfiction. This final volume of The Army of th...
As the sun set on the evening of July 3rd 1863 the battered Army of Northern Virginia and the battered but victorious Army of the Potomac tended their wounds, buried their dead and prepared for what might happen next. On that afternoon it was as if“the doors of Hell had shut”and the...
Another biographic vignette from my Gettysburg text, the first part of a section dealing with Major General Joseph Hooker who almost commanded the Army of the Potomac at Gettysburg. This section of the text deals with Hooker and his command of the Army leading up to the Battle of Chancellorsvil...
作者:BRUCE CATTON 出版社:WSP 出版时间:1961-00-00 印刷时间:1967-00-00 ,购买The coming fury(关于美国南北战争)等外文旧书相关商品,欢迎您到孔夫子旧书网
Speaking for myself, it was Catton, not Foote, who drew me to the Civil War (and who, more than that, made me want to write history). From the time I was 12 and discoveredA Stillness at Appomattox, the Pulitzer Prize-winning final volume of his Army of the Potomac trilogy, I read...
of those places had there not been Civil War battles there. In his bookMr. Lincoln’s ArmyBruce Catton has a superb passage which captures how the war came to a place that we would have never heard of had the Army of the Potomac and the Army of Northern Virginia not fought there so...
who commanded the Army of Northern Virginia, the most powerful of the Confederate forces. Upon seeing how the Southern army would be split into five divisions and spaced about eight miles apart over a 30-mile area along the Potomac River, McClellan gloated: “Now I know what to do. Here ...