Army Learning Model (ALM) for 2015, which introduce new learning model, redesigning training and education practices. It cites several issues in the ALM implementation, including the use of vocabulary and the belief that ALM is a method for instruction rather than a strategy for education. Also ...
展开 关键词: Decision making Army personnel Learning Organization theory Personneldevelopment Military strategy Lessons learned Leadership Education Skills Models Army training Military doctrine Teaching methods Teams(Personnel) Problem solving Mission 被引量: 6 年份...
4.a plan or method for achieving a specific goal:a strategy for getting ahead in the world. [1680–90; < Greekstratēgíageneralship =stratēg(ós)military commander (strat(ós)army +-ēgosn. derivative ofágeinto lead)] Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictio...
Creativity is important for the Army because it is so essential to strategic leadership. The Army, like all institutions, is dependent on strategic leadership, but like most institutions distrusts creativity. A large degree of that distrust is caused by viewing creativity as artistic inspiration out...
We should fully implement Xi Jinping’s thinking on strengthening the military and the military strategy for the new era. Our armed forces, with a focus on the goals for the centenary of the People’s Liberation Army in 2027, should work to carry out military operations, boost combat prepared...
1.Of or relating to strategy. 2. a.Important or essential in relation to a plan of action:a strategic withdrawal. b.Essential to the effective conduct of war:strategic materials. c.Highly important to an intended objective:The staff discussed strategic marketing factors. ...
Current Army standards for training and education are group instruction and classroom training also known as one-to-many instruction. Recently, the Army has placed significant emphasis on self-regulated learning (SRL) methods to augment institutional training. Per the Army Learning Model (ALM), Soldi...
t tetsuo t text t that which sleeps i t the angellus fall t the army of hope t the arrow t the bard song t the bee said boom t the beginning of al t the bloody countess t the blue jazz t the creator t the dark monster of t the darkest side t the face of the dev t the ...
Army transitions its training strategy to meet the goals of the Army Learning Model (ALM), there will be a commitment to leverage mobile devices for Soldier training and education. The ease of this transition will be determined, in part, by the extent to which Soldiers are already familiar ...
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