位置:4孔Staves/Maces,双手杖(指:女巫双手杖)/铁链棒(指:连枷,铁皮鞭,天罚之锤) 组合:18+26+21+10(Ko+Vex+Pul+Thul) 属性: +3级所有技能 40%快速施放法术 +75%伤害力对恶魔系怪物 +100命中率对恶魔系怪物 +3-14冰伤害,效果持续3秒 每次命中偷取7%Mana +10敏捷 自动恢复生命+20 提升Mana上限15% ...
0 有用 ☣Timpani 2013-06-22 20:50:51 The Last Time Down by the Sea > 更多短评 1 条 我要写乐评 Into the Arms of Chaos的乐评 ··· ( 全部0 条 ) "Into the Arms of Chaos"的论坛 ··· 第一个在"Into the Arms of Chaos"的论坛里发言 谁听这张唱片?
27.BreathoftheDying,死亡呼吸 位置:6孔武器 组合:26+15+1+2+33+5(Vex+Hel+El+Eld+Zod+Eth) 属性: 50%概率当你杀死敌人时施放出20级PoisonNova 永不磨损 60%提升攻击速度 +350-400%伤害力(可变) +200%伤害力对不死系怪物 -25%目标防御 +50攻击命中率 +50攻击命中率对不死系怪物 每次命中偷取7%法...
Alternative Armors - Stalhrim Fur, Alternative Armors - Steel Soldier, Arcane Accessories, Arcane Archer Pack, Arms of Chaos, Bittercup, Bloodchill Manor, Bone Wolf, Bow of Shadows, Camping, Chrysamere, Civil War Champions, Dawnfang & Duskfang, Dead Man's Dread, Divine Crusader, Dwarven Armore...
If Cultists simply grabbed arms and slaughtered the people of a town, they'd risk rousing the Witch Hunters and calling down the full power of the Empire to stamp them out. This does nothing to further the interests of the Blood God and certainly does not offer these celebrants a chance...
the US founded the first cyber command in the world and continued to strengthen cyber forces. It had built dozens of large intelligence-gathering systems and developed a huge armory of cyber weapons. Instigated by the US, its allies soon followed suit and the cyber arms race is getting white...
Here is an aristocracy of the public parks and even of the vagabonds who use them for their private apartments. Vallance felt rather than knew this, but when he stepped down out of his world into chaos his feet brought him directly to Madison Square. Raw and astringent as a ...
Arms of Chaos, Bittercup, Bloodchill Manor, Bone Wolf, Bow of Shadows, Camping, Chrysamere, Civil War Champions, Dawnfang & Duskfang, Dead Man's Dread, Divine Crusader, Dwarven Armored Mudcrab, Elite Crossbows, Expanded Crossbow Pack, Farming, Fearsome Fists, Fishing (included in Skyrim...
Alternative Armors - Stalhrim Fur, Alternative Armors - Steel Soldier, Arcane Accessories, Arcane Archer Pack, Arms of Chaos, Bittercup, Bloodchill Manor, Bone Wolf, Bow of Shadows, Camping, Chrysamere, Civil War Champions, Dawnfang & Duskfang, Dead Man's Dread, Divine Crusader, Dwarven ...
Adam performs one last “would you kindly” and strong-arms you to the station’s central control area. The solution, of course, is simply not to talk to Adam once you have the Screw Attack until you’re satisfied you’ve collected everything there is to find. That’s what the huge ...