We have established that 8 represents “Born Again to New Life” (in Noah’s ark of 8 people through the water; the Last Great Day of the Feast of Tabernacles; fruitfulness with seeds; wave sheaf; and the start of the gospel and church on Sunday). When the 10 plagues reach the 7th...
Pets in New York City are like no other pets in the world. Just like their people, city pets of all types have to grapple with cramped apartments (if they’re lucky enough to find a pet-friendly building) local politics, busy streets and dog-run drama on
Various other survivors207 of a more lively and innocent day linger on the map: Blue Ball, Ark., Cowhide, W. Va., Dollarville, Mich., Oven Fork, Ky., Social Circle, Ga., Sleepy Eye, Minn., Bubble, Ark., Shy Beaver, Pa., Shin Pond, Me., Rough-and-Ready, Calif., Non ...