162, that if either pole of the earth were situated in a lowland area the winter snowfall would be insufficient to produce a permanent ice-cap, is fundamentally based upon the fact that the Arctic lowlands of Canada and Siberia, with a mean annual temperature far below the freezing- point,...
lakes across the pan-Arctic region – the northern parts of Canada, Russia, Greenland, Scandinavia and Alaska – have either shrunk or dried up completely. Lakes make up between 20% and 40% of the Arctic lowlands.
哈得逊湾和北极低地(Arctic Lowlands)是加拿大地盾的一个盆地中未被淹没的部分。在五亿到四亿年前的奥陶纪和泥盆纪时期,沉积的石灰石和白云石覆盖了这个盆地,使它的地形变得平坦。后来的冰川压缩了盆地,当冰川开始融化时,海水入侵,白里泥便沉积在一些地方。因此低地地区多是由平坦和排水不良的泥沼和...
The western flanks of the Interior Lowlands are the Great Plains, a territory of awesome bulk that spans the full distance between Canada and Mexico in a swath nearly 500 miles (800 km) wide. The Great Plains were built by successive layers of poorly cemented sand, silt, and gravel—debris...
The Arctic tundra is a relatively young and new type of biome and is especially sensitive to the impacts of global warming. However, little is known about how the Arctic flora was shaped over time. Here we investigate the origin and evolutionary dynamics of the Arctic flora by sampling 32 an...
which includes some large wetland complexes such as the Hudson Bay Lowlands in Canada and the southern part of the West Siberian lowlands, are about twice as large as for the Arctic zone. There is no statistically significant trend in emissions from the Boreal zone in contrast to Thompson et ...
Nova Scotia prov., E Canada; 20,402 sq. mi.; pop. 828,571; cap. Halifax.Novato city, W California 94947; pop. 47,585.Novaya Zemlya two isls., Arctic Ocean, NE Russia; ab. 35,000 sq. mi.Novosibirsk city, SW Asian Russia, ab. 1,700 mi. E of MOSCOW; pop. 1,436,000....
geotechnicalground icepermafrostthaw settlementThe coastal zone of the southern Beaufort Sea and Mackenzie Delta forms an extensive area of coastal lowlands in northern Canada. This region is underlain by unstable, perennially frozen soils subjected to high rates of marine erosion and deposition.The ...
These materials are considered to have extensively covered the northern lowlands. Here, we show evidence that a lacustrine sedimentary residue within Hydraotes Chaos formed due to regional aquifer upwelling and ponding into an interior basin. Unlike the northern lowland counterparts, its sedimentary make...
The Cree of Northern Ontario, Canada, have proved resilient and adaptable to social and environmental changes. However, the rapidity of climate change impacts in the Hudson Bay Lowlands of the Canadian sub-Arctic is challenging this resiliency. A collaborative project conducted with the Weenusk First...