#01 The Architecture of Trees 书籍信息 出版社: Princeton Architectural Press 书籍作者:Cesare Leonardi / Franca Stagi 出版年份:2019 书籍简介 《The Architecture of Trees》是一部传奇性的、无与伦比的植物学巨作。这本豪华的大画册有400多幅精美的毛笔插图,涉及211种树木。每幅图都是按1:100的比例绘制的,...
First published in 1982, The Architecture of Trees is a legendary and unsurpassed botanical masterwork. This lavish large-format volume features more than 400 exquisite quill-pen illustrations of 211 tree species. Each is drawn to a scale of 1:100, with and without foliage, complete with tables...
书籍简介 《The Architecture of Trees》是一部传奇性的、无与伦比的植物学巨作。这本豪华的大画册有400多幅精美的毛笔插图,涉及211种树木。每幅图都是按1:100的比例绘制的,并附有季节性色彩变化表和白天和季节时投下的阴影预测表。这是历时20多年完成的一项里程碑式的研
回来看了一遍果然名不虚传啊,所以说才专门去做直播来这个分享这样一本画册。它主要是以图画为主。话不多说了,"我们"就先把这本书打开。 02:28打开书 (呃)外国的书整体印刷质量上,就是像这些特别贵的书籍,都是基本上不可挑剔的,都是不可挑剔的。 一开始的话会有几页是介绍介绍植物插画,因为整本...
The early history of life harbours many unresolved evolutionary questions, none more important than the genomic origin and cellular evolution of eukaryotes. An issue central to eukaryote origin concerns the position of eukaryotes in the tree of life and the relationship of the host lineage that acqu...
Patterns are used in the design of the pipeline itself and in the control architecture to effectively balance its performance with extensibility and ease of programming. Before delving into the pipeline, however, I'll examine the patterns used in the programming model itself....
In the simplest form of CQRS, the command and query stacks share the same database. This architecture makes CQRS similar to classic CRUD systems. This makes it easier to adopt when people are resistant to change. However, you can design the back end so the command and query stacks have ...
Web Architecture 101 - the basic architecture concepts. ▪️ System hardening CIS Benchmarks - secure configuration settings for over 100 technologies, available as a free PDF. Security Harden CentOS 7 - this walks you through the steps required to security harden CentOS. CentOS 7 Server Harde...
The ASP.NET request/response pipeline is a complex system. Patterns are used in the design of the pipeline itself and in the control architecture to effectively balance its performance with extensibility and ease of programming. Before delving into the pipeline, however, I'll examine the patterns...
Euphyllophytes encompass almost all extant plants, including two sister clades, ferns and seed plants. Decoding genomes of ferns is the key to deep insight into the origin of euphyllophytes and the evolution of seed plants. Here we report a chromosome-le