An Arab had a camel. One cold night the Arab lay asleep inside the tent while the camel stood outside. 一个阿拉伯人有头骆驼。一个寒冷的夜里,阿拉伯人在帐篷里睡下了,骆驼呆在帐篷外。 At midnight the camel awoke ...
One cold night the Arab lay asleep inside the tent while the camel stood outside. 一个阿拉伯人有一头骆驼。 一个寒冷的晚上,阿拉伯人在帐篷里睡着了,而骆驼则站在外面。 At midnight the camel awoke his master and requested him to allow him to put his head inside the tent as it was bitter ...
The Arab and the Camel 阿拉伯和骆驼 2020-05-29 13:35:0300:33 192 所属专辑:Yolanda-伊索寓言中英文版 喜欢下载分享 声音简介一个阿拉伯人把骆驼驮好后,问这头野兽是上山还是下山。”“告诉我,主人,”骆驼回答说,“有人挡住了穿过平原的直路吗?”...
所属专辑:《GS伊索寓言中英双语故事》 声音简介 AnArab, having loaded his camel, asked him whether he preferred to go uphill ordownhill. “Whydo you ask, master?” said the camel dryly. “Isthe level way across the plain shut up?” ...
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The Camel and the Arab ANARAB1CAMEL-DRIVER, after completing the loading of his Camel, asked him which he would like best, to go up hill or down. The poor beast replied, not without a touch of reason: "Why do you ask me? Is it that the level way through the desert is closed?"...
Abī Ṭālib; the Messiah; Arab empire 1. Introduction The beginnings of Islam are marked by some major historical events: violent conflicts between Muḥammad’s followers, rapid conquests, and the birth of the Arab empire. Two particularly important facts are also contemporary with these ...
D.M. Dunlop, Arab Civilization to A.D. 1500 (London: Longman, 1971) p.8. Google Scholar But, as C.D. Darlington, a biologist turned to social science, points out, the Arabian camel, the dromedary, also ‘contributed on the debit side to the erosion of Arabia, the expansion of the...
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