The dates thus derived tend to cluster around 4.6 billion years, which suggests that this is the approximate age of the solar system. After many meteorites had been dated, it was gratifying to find that the oldest ages obtained for rocks gathered on the surface of the Moon also were approxim...
The dates thus derived tend to cluster around 4.6 billion years, which suggests that this is the approximate age of the solar system. After many meteorites had been dated, it was gratifying to find that the oldest ages obtained for rocks gathered on the surface of the Moon also were ...
SINCE the publication of my preliminary account of a new method of estimating the age of the earth1, based on Nier's isotopic analyses of samples of lead from galena and other lead minerals of known geological age, I have revised the calculations, using Glaisher's Exponential Tables2, and ...
An archaeologist can determine the approximate age of certain ancient specimens by measuring the amount of carbon‑14, a radioactive substance, contained in the specimen. The formula used to determine the age of a specimen is , where A is the amount of carbon‑14 that a specimen contains,...
The approximate age of the planation surface and the incision of the Yellow River[J].Palaeogeography,Palaeoclimatology,Palaeoecology 2010.Pan B T, Hu Z B, Wang J P, Vandenberghe J, Hu X F, Wen Y H, Li Q, Cao B (2012). The approximate age of the planation surface and the incision ...
SINCE the publication of my preliminary account of a new method of estimating the age of the earth1, based on Nier's isotopic analyses of samples of lead from galena and other lead minerals of known geological age, I have revised the calculations, using
The approximate age of the planation surface and the incision of the Yellow River The Yellow River (Huang He) downstream of the Jinshaan Canyon displays well-preserved fluvial terrace sequences below an extensive planation surface at the... B Pan,Z Hu,J Wang,... - 《Palaeogeography Palaeoclim...
Referenced dates of tephras (Table 1) We determine the approximate age of the loam base or the terrace gravel top (= emergence time of terrace) by considering the sedimentation rate of the loam and referencing the known tephra ages. We had previously established the age of the Zao-Kawasaki...
Fig. 1. Topographic map of the South China Sea, showing the major structural elements and basins (modified after L. Li et al., 2014). Solid white lines demarcate the approximate transition zone of the Continent-Ocean Boundary (COB) based on seafloor spreading anomalies of Briais et al., ...
The latter is approximately 103 yrs, which is well within the theoretical age of HH 211-mm of a few 104 yrs as expected. There are two dominant sources of error for the proper motions. The first is the accuracy of registration between the ESO VLT and JWST images, converted from an...