学徒 第二季 The Apprentice Season 2 第2集 慈善日历 本集中文名: 慈善日历 本集原名: The teams produce a charity calendar for Great Ormond Street Hospital.播放时间: 2006-03-01 星期三 (当地时间)剧情简介: 这一周的任务,设计慈善日历,所得善款捐给Great Ormond Street Hospital医院,以筹集善款多少...
Season 4: An excellent season, much because of the interesting and entertaining contestants this season (especially Randall, Alla, Marcus and the total disaster whose name was Toral). The "Take me out to the Boardroom" episode is one of the absolute classics of this show, ending with the ...
我来说两句 飞黄腾达 第二季 8.1 (1448人评价) 全部 1集 2集 3集 4集 5集 6集 7集 8集 9集 10集 11集 12集 13集 14集 15集 > 去 飞黄腾达 第二季 哪些内容不适合讨论 · · · · · · 请尊重电视剧的创作和版权,不要在讨论区提供或讨论下载方面的内容。 ©...
The Apprentice (Season 2, Episode 22) TV-Y TV Episode | 21 min | Animation, Action, Adventure Edit page Add to list Jack and Katnappe compete to become Chase Young's apprentice.When Katnappe wins, Jack is so disheartened that he considers giving up evil for good.Omi seizes the ...
Arnold quits "Apprentice" Arnold Schwarzenegger's first season on "The Celebrity Apprentice" will reportedly be his last. CBSN's Tony Dokoupil and Reena Ninan have the story on why Schwarzenegger is quitting Donald Trump's old show. Mar 3, 2017 00:28 Show More live...
Notes: This episode featured two tasks and three people exiting the show. Also, this was the first episode of the season to be three hours long.source: wikipedia.com 6.1/10 (36)Rate S11.E11 ∙ Retro RumbleSun, May 15, 2011 Mr. Trump calls on Celebrity Apprentice winners Piers Morgan...
A 91-episode anime series was produced by TV Aichi, divided into two seasons, aired in Japan from April 2003 to December 2004. The first season is composed of 52 episodes, while the second, entitled Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch Pure, lasted for 39. Also ranks #1 on 13 Underrated ...
美国广播公司(NBC)在用《学徒》(The Apprentice)节目,以对抗哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)的热门节目《生还者》(Survivor)取得了出乎意料的成功! 于是趁热打铁, 推出了学徒的第二季节目, 主角仍然是地产大亨特朗普(Donald Trump)和他的十八个求职者,只有一名最后的胜利者。报名参
The Apprentice《学徒》的构思是,在全美招十二位年轻人,到纽约跟地产大亨唐普(Trump)学徒,分成两组,每集由唐普安排一个经营项目,两队伍中输了的一方由唐普裁决谁负主要责任,然后解雇之———“你被解雇了”就由唐普说出。最后获胜者赢得担任唐普集团一个公司经理一