Cereal: Directed by Jonathan Clough, Laura Craig, Gavin McRae, Yiannis Meleagros, Tanita Ojo-Baptiste, Hannah West, Roman Green, Chris Simpson. With Alan Sugar, Karren Brady, Tim Campbell, Mark Halliley. The candidates must design and create a new breakf
Formula E: With Tom Allen, Rachel Fairburn, Ortis Deley, Christian Purslow. Tom Allen meets the fifth fired candidate and shares exclusive behind-the-scenes content as Lord Sugar launches his search for a new business partner to win his £250,000 inves
The Apprentice: Created by Mark Burnett. With Alan Sugar, Mark Halliley, Karren Brady, Nick Hewer. 20 young entrepreneurs compete in several business tasks, and must survive the weekly firings in order to become the business partner of one of the most su
Chise Hatori is a 15-year-old orphan who is purchased by a mysterious sorcerer named Elias Ainsworth to become his apprentice and bride. Despite the unsettling foundation of their relationship, the two develop a sense of respect and friendship with one another. Chise finds herself intertwined with...
Feb 23, 2024 11:00 am By Aaron Couch Are Jennifer Lopez & Kevin Costner Dating? Their Pals Allegedly Weighed In on Their Romance 'One of the Most Impactful Art Losses Ever': Insurers Start to Assess LA Wildfire Damage Kanye West Posts-And-Deletes This Racy Snap Of Wife Rocking The Tinie...
The Queen's death scream can be heard in The Wonderful World of Mickey Mouse episode "Keep on Rollin'". The Evil Queen is the first main antagonist in the Disney Animated Canon to fall to her death. Antagonists who have succeeded her are Ratigan, Percival C. McLeach, Gaston, Claude Frol...
president Donald Trump, whose public persona experienced a significant boost from his business competition show, The Apprentice (2004–17), which aired its final season after its celebrity host moved into the White House. Jordana Rosenfeld
Hammers appear in the Super Mario franchise as items and objects, usually in the form of weapons used by either player characters and enemies. They first appear in Donkey Kong, in which they are used to smash barrels and enemies. Hammers are usually...
Tissues: Directed by Esther Dere, Andy Devonshire. With Alan Sugar, Mark Halliley, Nick Hewer, Margaret Mountford. Left with a blank box of tissues, each team find themselves tasked by Sir Alan to create a new tissue brand, complete with advertising camp
The Halloween Apocalypse, prefixed with Chapter One in the title sequence, was the opening episode of series 13 of Doctor Who. It formed the first chapter of the six-part serial Doctor Who: Flux. This chapter introduced the Flux, a universe-breaking forc