Cereal: Directed by Jonathan Clough, Laura Craig, Gavin McRae, Yiannis Meleagros, Tanita Ojo-Baptiste, Hannah West, Roman Green, Chris Simpson. With Alan Sugar, Karren Brady, Tim Campbell, Mark Halliley. The candidates must design and create a new breakf
Episode #12.1: With Alan Sugar, Mark Halliley, Karren Brady, Claude Littner. For their first task, each team is given a collection of antiques which they must value, before making as much money with each piece by selling them around London at markets and
Episode #12.8: With Alan Sugar, Mark Halliley, Karren Brady, Claude Littner. Lord Sugar instructs each team to organise an exclusive late-night themed event, offering those who attend a guided VIP tour of their venue's site, along with food and entertain
The Apprentice: Created by Mark Burnett. With Donald Trump, Ivanka Trump, George Ross, Robin Himmler. Contestants compete for a job as an apprentice to billionaire American Donald Trump.
A 91-episode anime series was produced by TV Aichi, divided into two seasons, aired in Japan from April 2003 to December 2004. The first season is composed of 52 episodes, while the second, entitled Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch Pure, lasted for 39. Also ranks #1 on 13 Underrated ...
(TV: The Magician's Apprentice [+]) Confronting the Third Doctor, the Master admitted that he was "almost" his intellectual equal. (TV: Terror of the Autons [+]) The "Tremas" Master once reflected that "a cosmos without the Doctor scarcely bears thinking about." (TV: The Five ...
In the episode "The Garden", there is a plant resembling a Piranha Plant that swallows Chowder. During the fight scene in the episode "The Moldy Touch", a soundclip of one of Bowser's roars can be heard. In "Apprentice Appreciation Day", the ugly Chowder lookalike highly resembles Wari...
Everything President Donald Trump has said about the film 'The Apprentice' Matt Winkelmeyer/Getty Images Jane Fonda says 'empathy is not weak or woke' in inspiring speech at SAG Awards ABC News Susan Lucci has hilarious 'soap opera fight' with Michael Strahan: Watch ...
The Apprentice Richard Houlihan Richard Houlihan has been a film reviewer and Oscars prognosticator for ABC Capricornia Radio, Rockhampton’s The Morning Bulletin and Brisbane’s Indulge Magazine. Like Moira Rose, his favourite season is awards. ...
Episode #12.11: With Karren Brady, Frances Bishop, Jessica Cunningham, Mark Halliley. After facing ten tasks as teams, the five remaining candidates now compete as individuals in their next task - a series of tough, gruelling interviews with four of Lord