You may get an error message that says “The application was unable to start correctly” accompanied by an error code (0xc000007b). This error message appears when you are trying to open an application on Windows. Usually, this happens after you upgrade from an earlier version of Window...
针对你提出的“the application was unable to start correctly(0xc000007b)”错误,以下是根据你提供的提示进行的分析和建议: 错误代码0xc000007b的含义: 错误代码0xc000007b通常指示一个应用程序无法启动,因为它缺少必要的依赖项,或者这些依赖项没有正确安装或配置。这个问题经常与Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable...
Autodesk software fails to start and displays the following error message: acad.exe - Application Error The application was unable to start correctly (0xc0000142). Click OK to close the application. powershape.exe - Application Error The application was unab...
点击应用后,应用直接不能启动,返回(The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b))的对话框。 这里的主要原因是因为应用使用的DLL的版本不对,如下: If a 32-bit app tried to load a 64-bit DLL. Or if a 64-bit app tried to load a 32-bit DLL. Or if a 64-bit app tried to ...
the application was unable to start correctly 0xc0000906 之前在电脑上单独装过 Flash Builder、Illustrator 等软件,解除限制的手段有 x-force、AntiCloud 等,不可避免地会带上安装 Creative Cloud,怀疑存在冲突的地方,索性卸载所有 Adobe 软件,将全家桶版本统一到 CS6 下。但是发现即使没有了 Creative Cloud 这个...
【背景】云服务器的谷歌浏览器无法打开,报如上错误,每次的错误码不一定相同,但是报错的内容都有 the application was unable to start correctly 【解决】网上有很多别的解释,我经过实践后,发现是因为内存被占满的原因,关掉一些应用,清出足够的内存,可以正常启动。
Fix- The application was unable to start correctly (0xc0000142) The main cause is typically corrupted system files or missing DLLs, but it can also happen due to conflicts with third-party software or outdated drivers. Sometimes, certain Windows updates or system changes can make the system uns...
The Application was unable to start correctly (0xc0000005) may arise because the DLL (Dynamic Link Library), which supports the running of the software, is incomplete, not signed, or corrupted. DLL files are used by Windows programs to perform various functions on the system. Antivirus...
用VS2013建立了一个c++ console application,然后引用了一个DLL, 启动的时候报错: The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000007b) 哪怕是如下最简单的代码也报错: #include"stdafx.h" int_tmain(intargc,_TCHAR*argv[]) { return0;
Have you ever faced the issue the application was unable to start correctly? You will find 8 solutions and how to recover data in this post.