遇到应用程序必须立即退出的问题,通常提示信息为 "the application must exit immediately"。这个问题可能由多种原因导致,我们可以通过一系列的排查步骤来解决。首先,我们需要确认是否是软件本身存在bug或者兼容性问题。如果软件是最新版本且在其他设备上运行正常,那么问题可能出在操作系统、驱动程序或硬件上。
steam版进入游戏..steam版进入游戏后提示错误The application must exit immediately翻译:应用程序必须立即退出重新进入游戏,还是提示错误重新安装游戏,还是会提示这个错误请问一下这个
the application must exit immediately这个咋整 送TA礼物 来自iPhone客户端1楼2017-06-29 12:53回复 Miroon 分区英雄 11 确定,退出,重启,一气呵成 来自iPhone客户端2楼2017-06-29 12:58 收起回复 Leeand 准尉 4 并没有好 来自iPhone客户端3楼2017-06-29 13:03 回复 ...
if you love me please if you meet if you must drink if you must study if you must use if you need any if you observe very c if you other requirem if you overcharge if you please if you re tired if you re too if you rest if you seen me walkin if you skip it now if you te...
Exitssqlcmdimmediately. exit [(statement)] Lets you use the result of a SELECT statement as the return value from sqlcmd. The exit() statement with nothing between the parentheses executes everything preceding it in the batch, and then exits with no return value. ...
Application.Run is running the show: it needs to be running in order to process the code after the “await,” even before you’re actually showing any UI. For example, if you try moving Application.Run out of Main and back into StartAsync, the program will just quit immediately: Once ...
Cancellation does not occur immediately. Although new work is not started if a task or task group is cancelled, active work must check for and respond to cancellation. A value-based continuation inherits the cancellation token of its antecedent task. A task-based continuation never inherits the ...
public partial class App : Application { protected override void OnStartup(StartupEventArgs e) { // You need to set UnhandledExceptionHandler WpfProviderInitializer.SetDefaultObservableSystem(ex => Trace.WriteLine($"R3 UnhandledException:{ex}")); } } As a result, time based operations are replac...
the process will repeat until you reach the end of the method. It looks like a straightforward procedure, except for one thing: the number of IL instructions is about 300, so you must have a huge switch statement with more than 250 cases. Let's see how it a...
In addition, all servers must be communicating with the same central cache server.If your application's scheduler is running on multiple servers, you may limit a scheduled job to only execute on a single server. For instance, assume you have a scheduled task that generates a new report every...