在电脑异常关机导致运行Visual Studio时弹出提示“The application can not start”,可以尝试一下下面的方法(红色字体部分以实际路径为准): 1. 找到F:\Users\Viki\Documents\Visual Studio 2012下的Setting文件夹,删除 2. 打开命令行工具输入 "M:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\devenv" /...
The application cannot start. The application cannot undo. The application requires a .dll for class ID <number>. The following components could not be browsed: Visual Studio requires Windows 2000 or above. This program requires an application for class ID <number>. This project cannot be added...
We have recently found out another possible cause leading to “Application cannot start” message for Visual Studio. This issue has been fixed by .NET Framework team for VS 2010 RTM, but if you’re still running the RC1 build you may still run into it. The problem occurs when the shell...
不知道是因为安装了Silverlight 4 Tools 还是 Office 2010 的缘故 今天VSTS 2010 无法启动了,启动提示 点“确定”关闭,看到了微软Connect 上说用下面的命令就可以。 devenv /resetsettings 使用这个命令之后,解决了问题,VSTS 2010 可以正常启动了。
安装过程中未创建 Visual Studio 许可证密钥。 启用了脚本拦截,不允许执行脚本代码。 .NET Framework 的安装程序(Visual Studio 所需组件)无法生成 mscorlib.dll 的有效本机映像。 你的计算机上出现 Klez 病毒。 使用以下步骤更正此错误。 警告 这些解决方案中的某一些要求修改注册表项。 注册表编辑器使用不当可能导...
terryfeng Visual Studio 2010 报错 "The application cannot start." 关闭 解决办法 不知道是因为安装了Silverlight 4 Tools 还是 Office 2010 的缘故 今天VSTS 2010 无法启动了,启动提示 点“确定”关闭,看到了微软Connect 上说用下面的命令就可以。 devenv /resetsettings...
昨天走的急. 本上有些东西没有保存就强制关机.早上一到打开Vs2010 Beta 2. 报出:"The Application cannot Start":Take Picture-截图: 反复操作还是不行.在网上找到办法无法解决. 不过看到一篇微软Visual Studio Team Blog上看到SKU manager -Visual Studio Shell Team关于这个问题详细解说.但遗憾的是本机的Vs2010...
Visual Studio 2008 reported this error "The Application Cannot Start" on startup when run as Administrator, it was working as a regular user but that doesn't allow me to debug.I copied the two file sthat Alex referred to and it works nicely now. Thanks Alex, that saved me some ...
Can you provide the output of open -a /Application/Visual\ Studio\ Code.app/ The application /Application/Visual Studio Code.app cannot be opened for an unexpected reason, error=Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=260 "The file “Visual Studio Code.app” couldn’t be opened because there is...
VSCode Version: 1.9.1 Stable OS Version: 10.12.3 Steps to Reproduce: Download zip Unzip Drag Visual Studio Code icon to Applications Double click VS Code icon Here is the error log in the console: roblourensassignedjoaomorenoFeb 22, 2017 ...