The Apostolic Bible Polyglot. Below the heading is listed each occurance of the Entity word in the Book of Revelation and in the Septuagint of The Apostolic Bible Polyglot. The structures end with Editor's Notes from the translator of The Apostolic Bible Polyglot who has thirty years plus ...
“You do not need another New Year’s resolution to acquire some sense of greatness. All you need is a fresh revelation of who God is and the might God already… Click To Read More "From Overwhelmed to Overcomer | Rev Joshua B. Carson"Joshua...
God has revealed his truth in revelation, and grave error is false teaching that leads people away from that revelation. Rome’s understanding of Christ’s atonement is grave error because it contradicts scriptural teaching and negatively affects your understanding of salvation and the gospel.[11]It...
Revelation 17 : 9 (KJV) This is what you MUST believe, because it is NOT ONLY in Revelation, but more poignantly occurred hundreds of years earlier in The Dead Seas Scrolls, and had been handed down over centuries before in Hebrew scribe circles – in the form of The Book of Enoch, wh...
“The Synagogue of Satan hard at work (again)! God help us all.” ~Comment from the thread 6uild 6ack 6etter,Agenda 2030,Awakening Humanity,Awareness,Battle Between Good and Evil,Black Suns (Order of the Black Suns),Brotherhood of the Snake,Cabal,Crimes Against Humanity,Donald Trump,Enslav...
[note 109] And, by "excluding the Platonists from their commentaries, they strangle the beauty of revelation."[note 110] "They are windbags blown up with Aristotle, sausages stuffed with a mass of theoretical definitions, conclusions, and propositions."[256] Nevertheless, church historian Dr ...
In the next post we will explore the fourth and final facet of Paul’s apostolic prayer: the “Provisional” aspect. This is what fuels and facilitates all that is bound up with the eternal/internal purpose!!! I look forward to fellowshipping with you in that crowning revelation shortly!
He explores the interplay between apostles and prophets, emphasizing their collaborative work in establishing church doctrine, shaping spiritual direction, and leading believers into deeper revelation․ The book also examines the prophetic pronouncements concerning the coming moves of God, outlining the ...
Book of Revelation, Chapter 1, Verses 7-8 7 Behold, he is coming amid the clouds, and every eye will see him, even those who pierced him. All the peoples of the earth will lament him. Yes. Amen. 8“I am the Alpha and the Omega,”says the Lord God, “the one who is and who...
Rapture, Revelation, and the End Times Jeanne Halgren Kilde 68 Accesses 4 Citations Abstract How will the world end? With a bang? With a whimper? Will God come out of the sky in a cloud? Will vast armies destroy all humanity? Will the sun’s fire engulf the planet? Such questions ...