Apostles' Creed (redirected fromThe Apostles creed) Related to The Apostles creed:The Lord's Prayer,The Nicene Creed A·pos·tles' Creed (ə-pŏs′əlz) n. A Christian creed traditionally ascribed to the 12 Apostles and used typically in public worship services in the West. ...
将“The Apostles' Creed"翻译成凯尔特文 Kredo an Abesteli是将“The Apostles' Creed"翻译成 凯尔特文。 译文示例:The Apostles' Creed ↔ / Kredo an Abesteli / / / The Apostles' Creed + 加 英文-凯尔特文字典 Kredo an Abesteli langbot 显示算法生成的翻译 ...
网络使徒信经;宗徒信经 网络释义 1. 使徒信经 ...信仰中的重要地位,所以在教会史上的第一部信仰纲领《使徒信经》(The Apostles Creed)中,关于它的论述居然占了约三 … www.regentcsp.org|基于17个网页 2. 宗徒信经 天主教常用经文_阿飞_新浪博客 ... The Act of Love 爱德经The Apostles Creed宗徒信...
As Catholics, we hold the Apostles Creed as a great gift summarizing the belief of the early apostles and calling us to share in that same faith. Two thousand years later we still hold this creed as an important summary of our faith and a link to the first apostles of the Church. A ...
The Apostles' Creed is the oldest creed, and lies at the basis of most others. Though not, as the long-current legend of its origin affirmed, the direct work of the Apostles, it has its roots in apostolic times, and embodies, with much fidelity, apostolic teaching. It will be seen ...
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祷告者握住十字架,诵念“信经(the Apostles' Creed)”,握住第一个大珠诵念“天主经(the Lord Prayer,新教中称为主祷文)”,随后握住三个小珠诵念三次圣母经(Hail Mary),然后握住第二个大珠诵念“圣三光荣颂(Glory be)” 每端以大珠开头,用来诵念“天主经”。随后每端10个小珠中,每个小珠诵念一遍“...
The Apostles' Creed is a living link that takes us over centuries to the Early Church. It's a bond that unites believers today from diverse cultures and traditions. It's a concise summary of Biblical faith taught to new believers in the ...See more ...
The Apostles' Creed All I believe in God the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth: and in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried. ...
"If there is one statement of the Christian Church, it is contained in the Apostles' Creed," writes William Barclay. Professor Barclay reminds us, however, that the Creed should be seen not so much as a test and yardstick of orthodoxy, but rather as a symbolic, pictorial and poetic repre...