H. Blunt’s basic introduction to Scripture, I noted that his book had come out shortly after the Colenso affair—the travails surrounding the Bishop of Natal, his translation of the Scriptures into Zulu, and his presuppositions around the Bible and its inspired character that kicked off the ...
and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!”What would a first-century Israelite think if an angel of the LORD announced the coming of a "savior?" They would doubtless think back to all the saviors in the [Old Testament] Scriptures. Those saviors did not just promise a tic...
That’swhat we need to concentrate on: the foundational truths like those we recite in the Apostles’ Creed, and our purpose of introducing others to Christ as well as taking delight in obeying him and growing more like him. Even more important? A covering of love—love that admits wrong,...
When they discussed the Scriptures at their meetings, it was evidently most often from memory. In the apostles’ day there were still many people living who had known and spoken with Jesus during his earthly ministry. They could recount and discuss things they had seen and heard....
As Hannon indicates, Saint Thomas reads the liturgy like he reads the Scriptures. Beneath the ‘husk’ of the literal sense, Saint Thomas finds the deeper spiritual meaning, an often-allegorical reading of the kind which has been so disdained in modern liturgical scholarship, but which is so ...
proclaimed even to the dead, so that, though they had been judged in the flesh as everyone is judged, they might live in the spirit as God does.”A part of this doctrine is the belief that Christ pulled Adam and Eve, as well as other leading figures in the Hebrew scriptures, from ...
Even seemingly Gavin’s statement about how without the church you don’t have the scriptures would seem to give too much authority to the church and Krueger’s articulation of the view. I don’t know how you would interact with that, so I don’t want to speak for Krueger or Gavin or...
Baptism: Administered to Scriptures Supporting Infant Baptism Baptism: Adopted by Christ Baptism: Appointed an Ordinance of the Christian Church Baptism: As Administered by John Baptism: Christian Baptism: Confession of Sin Necessary To Baptism: Emblematic of the Influences of the Holy Spirit Baptism: ...
In 2001, Benedict XVI wrote the preface for the book, The Jewish People and their Sacred Scriptures in the Christian Bible, which teaches that the Jews’ wait for the Messiah is not in vain and that their position that Jesus is not the Messiah and Son of God is valid! –Page 246 BENED...
Speaking with tongues. What saith the scriptures (1957) was a critical study of key doctrinal convictions in that movement. He also wrote a biographical account of his mother’s life in The Story of A Life In The Love Of God: Incidents Collected from the diaries of Mrs James J. Scroggie...