(1642) theEnglish civil war. The Long Parliament, after excluding the bishops, substituted Presbyterianism for the episcopacy in 1646, in accordance with the Solemn League and Covenant (seeCovenanters). Under Oliver Cromwell, Independent rather than Presbyterian doctrines triumphed; it was a penal ...
From the outset I have tried to avoid saying that Jesus founded the church upon a presbyterian governmental structure. Sometimes, Reformed Protestants try to make this argument, but it lacks necessary nuance. There may be prudential or theological reasons for preferring one polity over another, ...
Define The Augsburg Confession. The Augsburg Confession synonyms, The Augsburg Confession pronunciation, The Augsburg Confession translation, English dictionary definition of The Augsburg Confession. Noun 1. Augsburg Confession - the document drawn up in
Benjamin B. Warfield, "The Prophecies of St. Paul," in Biblical and Theological Studies (Philadelphia: The Presbyterian and Reformed Publishing Co., 1968), p. 470.4. The BlueprintsThere is a standard by which we judge our efforts at constructing the Kingdom of God. It is the Bible.Specif...
Broadly speaking, most of the Mainline Churches—Episcopalians, Presbyterians, some Lutherans—said “yes, let’s use science and history” and the Baptists, other Lutherans and the various ancestors of the Evangelical and Fundamentalists movements said “no.” Significantly, the Roman Catholics ...
Through the years, a few other Boettner works appeared. One such book was titledA Harmony of the Gospels.This was a blue kivar covered book, also published by Presbyterian and Reformed, around the year 1976. In the past year,P & R Publishing(the more recent name for Presbyterian and Refo...
In the General Assembly of the Old-School Presbyterian Church in the same year, the same subject was brought up by a speaker who stigmatized the standard as being "tinkered up" by "an anonymous printer and a New- School preacher!" Asking, "Why discard these captions that have been ...
And I must confess that the Episcopal church is quite as agreeable to my taste as the Presbyterian... I like the Congregational way best, next to that the Independent..." 1754 "It is the duty of the clergy to accommodate their discourses to the times, to preach against such sins as ...
In contrast to the medieval theo-political notion of “two swords,” one temporal and one spiritual, Wolfe cites the seventeenth-century Scottish Presbyterian Samuel Rutherford, distinguishing temporal and spiritual power as “one power … coactive by the Sword, the other free, voluntary by the ...
Around the same time, Horace Walpole spoke from the English House of Commons to report on these “extraordinary proceedings” in the colonies of the new world. “There is no good crying about the matter,” he said. “Cousin America has run off with the Presbyterian parson, and that is the...