Define antibias. antibias synonyms, antibias pronunciation, antibias translation, English dictionary definition of antibias. adj countering bias Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991,
Focuses on the allegations that the curriculum of Alabama's public colleges are discriminating against blacks. Review of Alabama course by Judge Harold L. Murphy; Focus on finance and admission's policies issues; Examination of courses throughout the state's white colleges.Healy...
Curriculum Multi-Level Learning for Imbalanced Live-Stream Recommendation Discriminative-Invariant Representation Learning for Unbiased Recommendation Denoised Self-Augmented Learning for Social Recommendation Intent-aware Recommendation via Disentangled Graph Contrastive LearningICML...
176Accesses Abstract Andreæ’s personal library was twice destroyed by fire (Vaihingen 1618 and Calw 1634) so that, as Gilly observes (1988:72), it is completely impossible to reconstruct his rich collection of books. This limits our ability to identify all the sources upon which he drew,...
that many gender-focused nonprofit roles pay low wages. But one lucrative way to use a gender studies degree and focus directly on sex equity issues, she says, is to provide strategic advice to companies on how they can promote fairness in the workplace and guard against sex-based bias. ...
decreasing heterogeneity across included studies and improving the internal validity of the meta-analysis. Estimates of effect size with a bias correction (Hedges’ g) were calculated by dividing the mean difference of the outcome measures for both SSGPs and control groups from baseline to post-test...
Of particular interest is the influence applicant race, as indicated by applicant name, has on the evaluation of the curriculum vita.A national sample was identified using the membership list of the Council of Industrial Engineering Academic Department Heads. A between subjects design was utilized. ...
Only 5.6% of US medical schools cover the clinical, curriculum, and research criteria for ME/CFS,298 suggesting that the proportion might be even lower in developing countries. Furthermore, a cross-sectional survey reported that 75% of POTS cases were misdiagnosed due to the complexity of the...
[36] and in diet and nutrition guidelines would complement the delivery of information through the checklist, as well as facilitate productive, non-confrontational conversations post-consultation. Incorporating the importance of NCD prevention and nutrition in the educational curriculum for medical and ...
Another goal for democratic societies is to maintainpeace(Bethke et al.,2015; Council of Europe,2016), which requires people to be nonviolent (Eidhof et al.,2016). Violence, the counterpart of peace, can be an effective strategy to exert power, but it is essentially antidemocratic, as it ...