And when she was out on her wild business, such as rushing in a house to drag forth a sewing machine in payment for a debt, or getting herself worked up over some matter concerning the law -- they had toward her a feeling which was a mixture of exasperation, a ridiculous little inside...
But I have a friend in Los Angeles who's the best in the field and has facilities at the best hospital. In fact he tightens up all the movie stars, when those dames find out that getting their faces and breasts lifted isn't the whole answer to making a man love them. He owes me ...
―The Lamb‖ in the first stanza, the speaker wonders who the lamb‘s creator is; the answer lies at the end of the poem. Here we find a physical description of the lamb, a pure and gentle creature. In the second stanza, the lamb is compared with the infant Jesus, as well as ...
Though nothing can bring back the hour of splendor in the grass, of glory in the flower, we will grieve not, rather find strength in what remains behind.——William Wordsworth •【华兹华斯:也曾灿烂辉煌,而今生死两茫茫。尽管无法找回当时,草之光鲜,花之芬芳。亦不要悲伤。要从中汲取留存的力量。
Fallen (Splinter of Darkness, House of Salvation) Cabal (Loyalists, Red Legion, Shadow Legion) Humanity (Stasis, Strand, Clovis Bray, Neomuna) "Darkness is not inherently evil. Some among you already discovered this on Europa. In my travels, I have seen true evil. It is the worm god...
Her face gradually immerses in darkness as the shutter goes down. 66 INT. MANSION - LIVING ROOM - EVENING 66 Chung-Sook is taking a peaceful nap on the large sofa. We hear her soft breathing. Slanted late afternoon rays wrap her face warmly. She slowly wakes up and wipes her ...
Scripture offers perfect comebacks against such lies. One example I turn to often: Think about the parent-toddler relationship. The child is weak and needy but Dad understands her limitations; he’s ready to lovingly help and guide. It’s the same in our relationship with God. And I have ...
Perhaps the answer lies in Revelation 2:9, which says, “and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.” Christians are notorious for asking, how can I know if I committed the unpardonable sin of blasphemy? The mere fact that...
there will be sunset there will come a tim there will never be a there would be lastin there would be music there you go theres nothing one ca therere several title theres no easy answer therell be another on therell be memories i therell be the best o theres a calm surrend theres ...
The question is: do these daydreams and innocent little lies come from a candid personality, or are they the preoccupying first signs of genuine, deep, far more serious psychological problems? Is it charming or dangerous?Owning nothingWe guess from the very beginning that Eleanor has almost no...