One answer, I soon discovered, lay in people's beliefs about why they had failed.[C] In particular, attributing poor performance to a lack of ability depresses motivation more than does the belief that lack of effort is to blame. When I told a group of school children who displayed ...
So a music teacher may find the addition of deliberate errors could help a student remember the right musical notes. Such a playful approach could fuel their creativity for composition, if the student looks for ways to develop those wrong notes into something more attractive. It is encouraging ...
Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the center. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once. Questions{TSE} are based on the following passage. Since the ...
This ability to recognize that a shape will need to be turned in a specific direction before it will fit is called an “allocentric frame of reference”. In the experiment, Goffin’s cockatoos were able to select the right tool for the job, in most cases, by visual recognition alone. ...
7.It is very difficult to get a(n) ___ (准确的) answer. 8.His illness ___(导致) for his absence . 9.I didn’t break the vase on purpose, Mum, it was an ___ (意外). It ___(意外地) slipped from my hands. 10.He is ___(能够) to run the company very well. His __...
In addition to the entourage of scientists, the team also included artists: Painter Thomas Moran and photographer William Henry Jackson were charged with capturing this astounding natural beauty and sharing it with the world. [G] The bill proved largely popular and sailed through Congress with ...
"Saeed," the father called his son's name repeatedly in a trembling voice, as he sledgehammered his way through the thick, collapsed concrete. After several futile attempts, he hurled the hammer, ejaculating, "Did I not tell you to take care of your sister?" Still no answer from beneath...
“learning about” a science topic or the engineering design process to “figuring out” how to explain a phenomenon they see or solving a problem. With this focus, students learn ideas and skills because they realize they are missing some knowledge or skill that would allow them to answer ...
Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence and write your answer on the ANSWER SHEET. 1. “The show must go on” is the oldest ___ of show business; ever...
There are short texts of various kinds in this part. Read the directions and answer the questions. Question 1 Directions: Read the text and answer the question. 01 题目 The Chase Diamond Reserve is a great credit car...