The Angry Beavers Wiki is a community site anyone can edit about the Nickelodeon series.
Norbert Foster Beaver is the oldest son and child of Leonard and Rose Beaver, and the older brother of Daggett, Stacy, and Chelsea. He is also the boyfriend/future husband of Treeflower, as well as the future father of Lily and Petunia Beaver.[2] Norb is
Dag for Night is the second half of the fourth episode of season 2 of Angry Beavers. In this episode, Norb and Dag attempt to make a film after finding a lost reel. Every time Norb holds up a black-and-white picture of actor Oxnard Montalvo, the writing
The Angry Beavers (1997) Craig Ferguson TV Announcer / Wizard 1 I'll Be There (2003) Kenneth Tobey General / Scientist 1 The Thing from Another World (1951) Gina Belafonte Angry Female / Female Patron 1 BlacKkKlansman (2018) Mary Linda Phillips Mrs. Beaver 1 Babe (1995...
The Angry Beavers: Created by Mitch Schauer, Keith Kaczorek. With Richard Steven Horvitz, Nick Bakay, Rick Logan, Charlie Brissette. Brothers Daggett and Norbert Beaver have left home to gain independence by living on their own. Their goal is to live a w
又名"The Angry Beavers" 编剧 Keith Kacz...Micah Wrig...主演 Richard Steven HorvitzNick BakayCharlie BrissetteTerry WoodJohn Garry 演职人员(104) Robert Hughes 导演 Pat Shinagawa 导演 Russ Mooney 导演 Keith Kaczorek 编剧 Micah Wright 编剧 约翰·里夸 John Requa 编剧 Victor Wilson 编剧...
Home 12 of 91 The Angry Beavers (1997) Nick Bakay in The Angry Beavers (1997) PeopleNick Bakay TitlesThe Angry Beavers, A Dam Too Far/Long in the TeethBack to top
Home 42 of 91 The Angry Beavers (1997) The Angry Beavers (1997) TitlesThe Angry Beavers, The Day the World Got Really Screwed UpBack to top
Home 1 of 91 The Angry Beavers (1997) Nick Bakay and Richard Steven Horvitz in The Angry Beavers (1997) PeopleNick Bakay, Richard Steven Horvitz TitlesThe Angry Beavers, Friends, Romans, Beavers!/Big Round Sticky Fish ThingyBack to top...
Tree of Hearts/Dag for Night: With Nick Bakay, Richard Steven Horvitz, John Garry, Victor Wilson. When Treeflower re-enters Norbert's life he expects their love to blossom once more. However, Norb didn't count on the lure that large trucks have for beave