atype(s) java.lang.String, java.lang.String[translate] ahistorically,contract law developed in the anglo-american system as common law,rather than by statute. 历史上,在英裔美国人的系统开发的合同法律作为普通法,而不是由法规。[translate]
of continental Europe, based on an admixture ofRoman,Germanic,ecclesiastical, feudal, commercial, and customary law. European civil law has been adopted in much of Latin America as well as in parts of Asia and Africa and is to be distinguished from thecommon lawof the Anglo-American countries...
Each of the more than 190 nations in the world has a differentsettingof laws governing its people and its relations with the rest world, and they divided them into two major legal systems that included Romano-Germanic Civil Law and the Anglo-American Common Law. Beforetalking about their ...
habitsinmanyaspectsofthetwolegalsystemcountrieshave createdgreatdifferencesbetweenthetwomajorlegalsystems. ManyofthecharacteristicsoflitigationinAngloAmericanlaw systemareactuallycausedbyadecisivefact,thatis,the procedureoriginatesfromthejurysystem.Now,theprevailing viewisthatthejurysystemisusedonlyincriminalcasesin ...
This Essay thus lays the groundwork for a new account of the corporate form and its place in the development of modern business.John MorleyColumbia Law ReviewThe Common Law Corporation:The Power of the Trust in Anglo-American Business History. John Morley. Columbia Law Review ....
The Anglo-Americans have enjoyed this liberty ever since the foundation of the settlements; moreover, the press cannot create human passions by its own power, however skillfully it may kindle them where they exist. In America politics are discussed with animation and a varied activity, but they...
This is the first booklength survey of the Anglo-American common law contract over its 800-year history, from genesis in 12th-century England to the present form in contemporary America. The volume presents a technically accurate yet readable analysis that focuses on how the form assumed by cont...
aA distinctive element of the Anglo-American judicial procedure is the adversary system,which is the characteristic form of trail procedure in common law countries,in civil as well as criminal cases. 英裔美国人的司法做法的一个特别元素是敌人系统,是足迹做法的典型形式在普通法国家,在民用并且刑事案件。
whereFrenchCivilLawcombinedwithEnglishCriminalLawtoform ahybridsystem.Thecommon-lawsystemisalsousedinCanada,exceptintheProvinceof Quebec,wheretheFrenchcivil-lawsystemprevails. Anglo-Americancommonlawtracesitsrootstothemedievalideathatthelawashanded downfromtheking'scourtsrepresentedthecommoncustomofthepeople.It...
This Essay challenges a central narrative in the history of Anglo- American business by questioning the importance of the corporate form. The Essay shows that the corporate form was not, as we have long believed, the exclusive historical source of powers such as limited liability, entity shielding...