"The Anglo-Saxon World" introduces the Anglo-Saxons in their own words - their chronicles, laws and letters, charters and charms, and, above all, their magnificent poems. Most of the greatest surviving poems are printed here in their entirety: the reader will find the whole of "Beowulf",...
2013. The Anglo-Saxon World. New Haven CT: Yale University Press.Crossley-Holland, K. 1999 . The Anglo-Saxon World. An Anthology , Oxford: Oxford University PressCrossley-Holland, Kevin. The Anglo-Saxon World. Woodbridge: Boydell, 2002....
The Anglo-Saxon World 盎格鲁-撒克逊世界 选集 牛津世界经典 英文原版 英文版 作者:Kevin出版社:OUP出版时间:2022年07月 手机专享价 ¥ 当当价 降价通知 ¥99.00 配送至 广东广州市 至 北京市东城区 服务 由“瑞雅图书专营店”发货,并提供售后服务。
英文原版 The Anglo-Saxon World 盎格鲁-撒克逊世界 选集 牛津世界经典 英文版 进口英语原版书籍 作者:Kevin Crossley出版社:OUP Oxford出版时间:2022年07月 手机专享价 ¥ 当当价 降价通知 ¥99.00 配送至 广东广州市 至 北京市东城区 服务 由“华研外语旗舰店”发货,并提供售后服务。
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The Anglo-Saxon World - Higham, Nicholas; Ryan, M. J - Yale University PressN. J. HighamM. J. Ryan
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安格鲁-撒克逊时代 盎格鲁-萨克森人(Anglo-Saxon)的祖先来自欧洲大陆,是日耳曼人中的盎格鲁人、萨克森人。大不列颠岛的土著居民是来自比利牛斯半岛的伊比利亚人,他们以创造了巨石文化而著称。后来,克尔特人中的不列颠人、别尔格人等从大陆进入大不列颠岛,同化了土著居民,形成盎格鲁-萨克森人的最早基础。从...
1.A member of one of the Germanic peoples, the Angles, the Saxons, and the Jutes, who settled in Britain in the fifth and sixth centuries. 2.Any of the descendants of the Anglo-Saxons, who were dominant in England until the Norman Conquest of 1066. ...
The Anglo-Saxons came to England after the Romans left in the year 410. Nobody was really ruling all of England at the time – there were a lot of little kingdoms ruled by Anglo-Saxons that eventually came together as one country. The earliest English kings were Anglo-Saxons, starting ...