That verse also says you delight in those who put theirhopein Your unfailing love. What does effectual hope look like? GOD:First, confident. It pleases Me when My children look for evidence of My attributes at work in their lives and as the evidence mounts, become more and more confident ...
There’s no end to the number of reasons we could be anxious in life. But MacArthur explores Scripture to explain how to release those concerns to God’s care and rest in His peace. Broadcasts Helping Kids Conquer Their Fears(Guest: Danny Huerta) ...
How would I have handled this situation? Scripture is clear that believers should not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. So how could a deeply immoral man—a drunkard—be drawn to and ultimately united with a devoted Christian? However, one lesson I have learned prior to this time is that...
This same verse of scripture is quoted in what is historically known as the 2nd Epistle of Clement, where it is written: "Let us, then, not only call Him Lord, for that will not save us. For He saith, 'Not every one that saith to me, Lord, Lord, shall be saved, but he that ...
“Be still and know that I Am God,” says the scripture – an invitation to find the Divine in the quiet depth of now. In the Eternal Now, illusion and reality converge. The illusion of time gives way to the reality of a single, ever-present Creator witnessing Itself. Here, soul ...
Fr. Aran told us two weeks ago about the rabbinical way of riffing on Scripture in what is called a “remez.” I want to riff on just one word, the wordthirst– righteousness may feel like too big, too abstract a concept. Thirst we can understand. ...
PS: Here are some of my favorite Ray Boltz songs in no particular order. “Thank You’, “There Stood a Lamb”, “Still Her Little Child”, “AT the Foot of the Cross”, “The Anchor Holds”, and “Where I Met Jesus”. If you don’t want to buy the songs at least look up ...
Protestantsgenerally hold to what one writer has calledsuprema scriptura,which means “the Bible as the supreme or highest channel of religious authority.”[7]Under scripture’s authority, in an interpretive dialogue, are church tradition, reason, and personal religious experience in the divine-human...
Scripture presents a number of principles that contribute to our fullness of joy, including: POSITIVITY(Philippians 4:4) GRATITUDE(Psalm 126:3) It’s not happiness that makes us grateful, it’s gratefulness that makes us happy. –Brother David Steindl-Rast ...
After a few years we made a film of the stories,The Electronic Campfire: New Storytelling from Scripture. Angela took some of the parts (including that of God), while I took the rest. We shot the scenes in various southern California locations. ...