Teyler, T.J., and Discenna, P., 1984, The topological anatomy of the hippocampus: a clue to its function, Brain Res. Bull. , 12:711.Teyler TJ, Discenna P. The topological anatomy of the hippocampus: a clue to its function. Brain Res. Bull. 1984; 12: 711-719....
The quantitative anatomy of the hippocampal formation in homing pigeons and other pigeon breeds: implications for spatial cognition Abstract Artificial selection for specific behavioural and physical traits in domesticated animals has resulted in a wide variety of breeds. One of the most widely recognized...
Define Hippocampus (anatomy). Hippocampus (anatomy) synonyms, Hippocampus (anatomy) pronunciation, Hippocampus (anatomy) translation, English dictionary definition of Hippocampus (anatomy). n. pl. hip·po·cam·pi 1. A ridge in the floor of each lateral
hippocampus [‚hip·ə′kam·pəs] (anatomy) A ridge that extends over the floor of the descending horn of each lateral ventricle of the brain. [‚hip·ə′kam·pəs] (vertebrate zoology) A genus of marine fishes in the order Gasterosteiformes which contains the sea horses. ...
The CA3 recurrent network is the most prominent auto-associative network in the hippocampus and is implicated in pattern-separation and pattern-completion tasks that are relevant for memory. However, there are also recurrent networks in the hilus of the dentate gyrus, CA1 and the subiculum. They...
Anatomy of the Cortex (Springer, 1998). Google Scholar Shepherd, G. M. The Synaptic Organization of the Brain (Oxford Univ. Press, 1990). Google Scholar Abeles, M. Corticonics (Cambrdige Univ. Press, 1991). Google Scholar Peters, A. & Jones, E. G. (eds) Cerebral Cortex (Plenum...
(2000), The Human Hippocampus. Functional Anatomy, Vascularization and Serial Sections with MRI. By HENRI M. DUVERNOY. (Pp. viii+213; 255 figures; £95.50/$159 hardback; ISBN 3 540 63205 0.) Berlin: Springer. 1998. Journal of Anatomy, 197: 513–518. doi: 10.1046/j.1469-7580.2000.1...
The human hippocampus receives distinct signals via the lateral entorhinal cortex, typically associated with object features, and the medial entorhinal cortex, associated with spatial or contextual information. The existence of these distinct types of information calls for some means by which they can be...
The role of the hippocampus in memory storage in the mammalian brain is examined. The intrinsic anatomical organization of the hippocampus is such that a multidimensional mapping of other brain regions is represented. Emerging knowledge of the cortico-limbic-subcortical anatomy suggests that the hippocam...
Lipids are major constituents of the brain largely implicated in physiological and pathological processes. The hippocampus is a complex brain structure involved in learning, memory and emotional responses, and its functioning is also affected in various