Andrew W: The Anatomy of Aging in Man and Animals. Grune & Stratton, New York 1971 Google Scholar Goldstein S, Harley CB, Moerman EJ: Some aspects of cellular aging. J Chron Dis 1983 (36):103–116 Article PubMed CAS Google Scholar Richey DP, Bender AD: Pharmacokinetic consequences of...
1.cutting up,anatomy,autopsy,dismemberment,postmortem (examination),necropsy,anatomizationa growing supply of corpses for dissection 2.analysis,examination,breakdown,research,investigation,inspection,scrutinythe dissection of my proposals Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd ...
if you look at your image guidance, and it says to you, this spike on the face of the sphenoid, below the sphenoid ostia, if it says that's off the midline, it's usually your image guidance that is off. This is just virtually always directly in the midline. It's the best...
We proceeded to investigate the anatomy of neurons in the aHB. Anatomical stacks of our GABAergic line show a prominent, bilaterally paired tract of fibers that extend ventromedially from the GABAergic nuclei of rhombomere 1 toward the dIPN (Fig. 5a, red arrow, and Extended Data Fig. 8a)....
1.(Anatomy) of, relating to, or located on the left side, esp the left side of the body 2.a technical term forleft-handed 3.(Zoology) (of the shells of certain gastropod molluscs) coiling in a clockwise direction from the apex
MillerCG,vanLoverenHR,KellerJT,Pensak M,el-KallinyM,Tew JM.Transpetrosalapproach:surgicalanatomyandtechnique. Neurosurgery.1993;33:461-469;discussion469. SannaM.TemporalBone--AManualforDissectionandSurgical Approaches.NewYork:Thieme,20...
Le commissaire Jeantet Le prince Jean(1934) Marcel Rouzé Actor Dishonorable Discharge(1957) Eugène Stuber Actor Les mutinés de l'Elseneur(1936) Madeleine Suffel Actress Anatomy of a Marriage(1964) Howard Vernon Ducourt The Silence of the Sea(1949)...
Only two more Latin encyclopaedias of any importance followed. Antonio Zara, bishop of Petina, compiled theAnatomia Ingeniorum et Scientiarum(“Anatomy of Arts and Sciences”; 1614), which was chiefly remarkable for the inclusion of an index. And Johann Heinrich Alsted, who, like Martini, came ...
Now once this is base64encode, we have the first part of our JSON web token! eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9 Payload The payload will carry the bulk of our JWT, also called the JWT Claims. This is where we will put the information that we want to transmit and other informati...
Bucher GE (1948) The anatomy of Monodontomerus dentipes Boh., an entomophagous chalcid. Can J Res 26D:230–281 Article Google Scholar Buckup L (1959) Der Kopf von Myrsidea cornicis (DeGeer) (Mallophaga—Amblycera). Zool Jb Anat 77:241–288 Google Scholar Burnham L (1983) Studies...