Consciousness may depend on the anatomical location of these hubs in the human brain network. How connections in the brain must change to form memories could help to develop artificial cognitive computers PhysOrg - November 7, 2012 Exactly how memories are stored and accessed in the brain is ...
There are several considerations when designing an electrode array to deliver electrical currents to the RGCs in order to replicate the spatial resolution (SR) of the natural retina. These include the electrode material, size, shape, spacing (pitch), tissue contact and the anatomical position of ...
In fact, the absence of meniscal wall is a relative contraindication for the collagen meniscus implant, determining poor results in MRI in meniscal transplantation, like the extrusion phenomenon [18], perhaps because it alters the anatomical position of the meniscus or secondary to a capsular laxity...
The color bars underneath the plots here and in panel b indicate the anatomical assignment of brain regions as shown in Fig. 1d. Lipid classes are grouped based on their geometry, which is illustrated in an insert on the right side of the figure. The gray bars on the right side represent...
Two Gaussians describe the spatial extent of the excitatory and inhibitory connection profiles, between neuron, n, and any other neuron, i, in the motor map (apart from itself) as function of anatomical position. In the present study, we slightly modified the earlier proposal to: $${w}_{...
A clear understanding of the anatomical boundaries and descriptions of these regions of the abdomen would be helpful in providing a uniform term when such pert of the abdomen is been referred to. It may also help you in being able to communicate more specifically with your healthcare provider ...
Daubenton described the anatomy of many birds and mammals and F. Vicq-d’Ayr compared the skeletons of various vertebrates and man. The comparative method of studying anatomical material was widely used during this period by P. Camper in the Netherlands, J. Hunter in Great Britain, J. ...
Given the double innervation of FP, these anatomical structures has been selected as one of the phenotypic markers of taste sensitivity, due to their relative abundance and accessibility on the tongue anterior part, their association with the density of taste buds2,3 and the higher inter-...
In this work we endeavor to further understand the genetic architecture of the cerebellum by examining the genetic underpinnings of the different cerebellar lob(ul)es, identifying their genetic relation to cortical and subcortical regions, as well as to