The Americans is a period spy thriller that follows the story of two KGB spies posing as a married couple living in the US with their American-born children. The series explores the conflict between Washington’s FBI office and the KGB, from the perspectives of agents on both sides. It’s...
77) The Americans Set during the Cold War period in the 1980s, The Americans is the story of Elizabeth and Philip Jennings, two Soviet KGB officers posing as an American married couple in the suburbs of Washington D.C. and their neighbor, Stan Beeman, an FBI Counterintelligence agent. 76)...
Also ranks #20 on The Greatest TV Shows About Asian-Americans Also ranks #21 on Good TV Shows for 12 Year Olds 53 Big City Greens Chris Houghton, Artemis Pebdani, Marieve Herington 449 votes Is Big City Greens Watchworthy? Cricket Green, a mischievous but optimistic country boy, moves to ...
Keri Russell on 'The Americans'. Patrick Harbron/FX While the premise may sound gimmicky — married KGB spies living in America at the height of the Cold War with a next-door neighbor who happens to work for the FBI — this nuanced drama series is anything but. Keri Russell and Matthew...
content. The network, which Disney bought last year as part of its 21st Century Fox acquisition, will be a "key content driver" for Hulu, according to Disney CEO Bob Iger. FX has earned 57 Emmy wins since 2014 for its shows that include "American Horror Story...
This is how The Americans became one of the best, most intense TV dramas of all time. We touch down in the lives of Philip and Elizabeth Jennings — Matthew Rhys and Keri Russell — the embedded Russians. And we watch them struggle to complete their missions, protect their cover, raise ...
Also ranks #2 on The Greatest TV Shows About Asian-Americans Also ranks #4 on The 20 Best Dragon Cartoons, Ranked Also ranks #5 on Underrated 2000s Cartoons We Thought We Made Up Will i like it? IS IT WATCHWORTHY? subscription 12 Bluey 271 votes Step into the charming world ...
Garner also had roles in the FX drama series “The Americans” (2015–18), the Netflix miniseries “Maniac” (2018), the Bravo true crime series “Dirty John” (2018–19), and stars in the Netflix miniseries “Inventing Anna” (2022).In feature films, Garner appeared in “Martha Marcy...
The title might sound hokey but The Thing remains one of the most gloriously splattery and tense horrors of all time as a group of Americans at an Antarctic research station - including Kurt Russell’s R.J MacReady - take on an alien, well, thing that infects blood. It might start ...
In the ending, Louis joins a band called the Firefly Five Plus Lou, a reference to the Dixieland jazz band the Firehouse Five Plus Two made up of Disney animators, including Frank Thomas, who is seen in the film playing the piano. During the credits, the riverside shack from the Disney...