The American Society of Mechanical Engineers’ mechanisms and robotics community has sponsored the dissemination of research results through the Design Engineering Technical Conferences for the 67-year history of the Design Engineering Division. Kenneth
The branch of engineering that encompasses the generation and application of heat and mechanical power and the design, production, and use of machines and tools. mechanical engineern. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcou...
期刊全名 journal of turbomachinery-transactions of the asme 期刊简称 J TURBOMACH 期刊出版周期 Quarterly 期刊出版社/管理机构 杂志由 The American Society of Mechan 出版或管理。 ISSN号:(printed): 0889-504X (electronic): 1528-8900 期刊主页 journal of turbomachinery-transactions of the asme主页 期刊...
期刊全名 journal of manufacturing science and engineering-transactions of the asme 期刊简称 J MANUF SCI E-T ASME 期刊出版周期 Quarterly 期刊出版社/管理机构 杂志由 The American Society of Mechan 出版或管理。 ISSN号:(printed): 1087-1357 (electronic): 1528-8935 期刊主页 journal of manufacturing sci...
Copyright © 1921 The Triological Society Issue The Laryngoscope Volume 31, Issue 12, page 975, December 1921 Additional Information How to Cite (1921), The American Year-Book of Anesthesia and Analgesia, 1917-1918. F. H. McMechan, A. M., M. D., Editor. Surgery Publishing Company, ...
Engineering mechanics in civil engineering : proceedings of the Fifth Engineering Mechanics Division Specialty Conference : University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming, August 1-3, 1984 sponsored by the Engineering Mechanics Division of the American Society of Civil Engineers ; in cooperation with the Depart...
ASME 2013 Power Conference (American Society of Mechanical Engineers), 1–8 (2013). 13. Field, K. G., Remec, I. & Le Pape, Y. Radiation effects in concrete for nuclear power plants - Part I: Quantification of radiation exposure and radiation effects. Nucl. Eng. Des. 282, 126–143 ...
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End-diastolic LV dimensions and posterior wall thickness were measured according to the American Society of Echocardiography guidelines as applied to mice. LV wall thickness was measured at the level of the intraventricular septum and the posterior wall. Offline analyses of M-mode images of the para...
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