The American Scholar外文电子书籍.pdf,TheAmericanScholar TheAmericanScholar TThheeAAmmeerriiccaannSScchhoollaarr ByRalfAldoEmerson ByRalfAldoEmerson BByyRRaallffAAllddooEEmmeerrssoonn An Oration deliveredbefore the PhiBeta Kappa Society, at Cambridge, Aug
THE AMERICAN SCHOLAR This address was delivered at Cambridge in 1837, before the Harvard Chapter of the Phi Beta Kappa Society, a college fraternity composed of the first twenty-five men in each graduating 扫码下载APP免费读,SVIP网页畅读 扫码下载「番茄小说APP」可免费阅读全本小说,购买SVIP还可享受...
爱默生《论美国学者》The_American_Scholar 下载积分: 0 内容提示: The Am erican Scholar Ralph Waldo Em erson An Oration delivered before the Phi Beta Kappa Society, at Cambridge, August 31, 1837 Mr. President and Gentlemen, I greet you on the re-commencement of our literary year. Our anniver...
Ralph Waldo Emerson(拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生)《The American Scholar》《美国学者》解析 目录 Ralph Waldo Emerson(拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生)简介 《美国学者》的历史背景 与《美国学者》相关的其他书籍 关于《美国学者》的关键事实 《美国学者》的额外加分 《美国学者》摘要 《美国学者》主题 社会团结 自然与联系 创造和...
爱默生THEAMERICAN美国SCHOLAR美国学者论美 系统标签: 爱默生scholaramerican学者美国 爱默生《论美国学者》THE AMERICAN SCHOLAR,爱默生《论美国学者》THE AMERICAN SCHOLAR,爱默生,THE,AMERICAN,美国,SCHOLAR,》,美国学者,论美,》《,◆ 君,已阅读到文档的结尾了呢~~ ...
The American Scholar 整体版 Teammembers:黄瑶周美艳张秋娥钟芳蓉王振忠 December23th,2015 Partone:RalphWaldoEmerson'slife Parttwo:RalphWaldoEmerson'sworksPartthree:TheFounderofTranscendentalism Partfour:RalphWaldoEmerson'sstatus HewasbornonElectionDayin1803inBoston,MA.Hewasbornonthesamestreetasthebirthhomeof...
Scholar Possess? Scholar Possess? • Emerson thinks the American Scholar should be a well-rounded man and a thinker. He should be an ideal model set up for all the Americans. What What AAre the Duties of the American re the Duties of the American Scholar? Scholar? The American Sc...
In the light of this hope I accept the topic which not only usage but the nature of our association seem to prescribe to this day,—the American Scholar. Year by year we come up hither to read one more chapter of his biography. Let us inquire what new lights, new events, and more ...
The American Philosopher 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述 In this look at current debates in American philosophy, leading philosophers talk candidly about the changing character of their discipline. In the spirit of Emerson's "The American Scholar", this book explores the identity of the ...
The American Scholar,国外论知识和做学问写的最好的文章 Emerson:The American Scholar 1837年8月31日,爱默生在美国大学生联谊会上以《论美国学者》为题发表演讲,抨击美国社会中灵魂从属于金钱的拜金主义和资本主义的劳动分工使人异化为物的现象,强调人的价值;他提出学者的任务是自由而勇敢地从表相中揭示真实,以...