History of the American LegionAmerican History X
American Legion - the largest organization of United States war veterans association - a formal organization of people or groups of people; "he joined the Modern Language Association" Legionnaire - a member of the American Legion ex-serviceman, vet, veteran - a person who has served in the arm...
Jr. BachMortenThis dissertation examines the American Legion's role in shaping U.S. national security policy during the early Cold War, specifically in the fifteen years from 1945 to 1960. With a membership more than three times the size of the interwar period, and the subject of concerted ...
Overlooked by historians, these new activists turned the Daughters of the American Revolution and the American Legion Auxiliary into vehicles for conservative political activism. Inspired by their twin desires to fulfill their new duties as ... KM Delegard - 《Journal of American History》 被引量:...
The American Military Friendly Fire Project The mission of the Friendly Fire project is to collect and preserve information and details about the thousands of accidental, avoidable or intentional friendly-fire incidents in the history of the United States Armed Forces that tragically took or changed ...
What's more, he is even on the mailing list of academic institutes and organizations such as "the Henry George Institute," "the Rudolf Steiner Foundation in London," "the local bar association" and "the American Legion" (AM, 70). For some of the free papers and pamphlets, which go out...
he lived one of the great love stories of American history, and was condemned as an adulterer; condemned as a pitiless persecutor of Indians, he is the only American president to adopt an Indian child; a champion of freedom for the common man, he was a slaver-holder who never said a ...
I love theNatural History Museum. There’s nothing quite like it. It was all black and destroyed, but they cleaned it up, and it’s just the most beautiful building. And you know, having a small child, you can take her in and see gigantic dinosaurs and press little buttons. They had...
The American Legion is the nation's largest organization of U.S. military veterans. This app offers a succinct description of the Legion's forms of advocacy, op…
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