The Great American Depression: I'm Aware: Regia di Sebastian Foxworth. Con Tiffany Battles, Jenn Cook, Sebastian Foxworth, Ryk Lewis. Continuing with the mental health series on depression and other related topics comes the first feature length in the se
The Depression Begins 大萧条开始了 The American economy quickly slipped into recession and thenplummetedheadlong into the greatest depression the nation had ever experienced. The Great Depression in the United States had a widespreadrippleeffect throughout the world, soon leading to economic stagnation a...
Trailer for the feature documentary (3rd series installment) The Great American Depression: I'm Aware. Ten People from ten different backgrounds tell their stories about their everyday battles with depression and other mental illnesses, including suicide. Executive Producer "Special Ed" Ed Archer also...
The Great American Depression Book of FunOf the thousands of inventions filed each year since 1790 with the United States Patent Office, some have come from enterprising kids, and not just those who have grown up to be famous adult inventors. Here are the stories of twenty ingenious young ...
eventuallycausedtheeconomiccrisis.TheMainCause •TheAmericangovernmenthadbeenpursuingandtakingthelaissez-faireeconomicpolicy,whichwasthemainreasonofexacerbatingthegreatdepression.Phenomenon TheSocialCause •Socialvalueschanged,especiallyconsumerismidea"down",wasthesocialreasonleadingtothegreatdepression.
The Depression Begins 大萧条开始了 The American economy quickly slipped into recession and thenplummetedheadlong into the greatest depression the nation had ever experienced. The Great Depression in the United States had a widespreadrippleeffect throughout the world, soon leading to economic stagnation ...
伍德的作品《美国式哥特》(American Gothic),画面中两位面色沉重的夫妇站立在他们的屋子前,他们不苟言笑的面庞和干草叉尖反射的冰冷光芒。画中的夫妇一位是画家的姐姐,另一位则是他的牙医。 然而,灾难面前艺术的主要受众生活水准一落千丈,但是审美水平反而有了提高,不再像经济腾飞时期那样,常春藤学生的貂皮大衣成为...
American society after WWI 美国通过在一战中给英法两国提供武器和贷款迅速累积了大量的财富。这个繁荣的时候被称为柯立芝繁荣(Coolidge Prosperity; 以总统Calvin Coolidge名字命名)。到1929年,美国在资本主义世界工业生产的比重已达48.5%,超过了当时英、法、德三国。但这一时间也被很多人称为虚假的繁荣,因为在1929年...
The Great Depression Introduction The Great Depression is considered one of the most significant economic downturns in the history of the United States and the Western world. Lasting from 1929 to the late 1930s, this severe economic crisis had far-reaching consequences not only for the American ...
The Great Depression (The American Adventure Series #42) 2024 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述 History comes alive for eight-to-twelve year olds in this close-up, fun-to-read, multi-generational story of a fictional family spanning three centuries of actual historical events. God's hand is ...