Each color on the American flag symbolizes a different thing. The American flag consists of three colors, red, white, and blue. The colors of the American flag are also included in the Great Seal of the United States of America. No one knows the exact date that the colors of the America...
the fifty states of the Union. White is said to symbolize purity and innocence. Red symbolizes strength and courage, and blue symbolizes vigilance, perseverance and justice. The flag in simple words is a piece of cloth that has meaning. The flag stands for everything in our country’s past...
Resilience and sacrifice:The American flag also symbolizes the resilience and sacrifice of the American people. The flag is a reminder of the sacrifices made by brave men and women in order to safeguard the freedoms enjoyed by all Americans. The American flag holds a treasured place in the hear...
The colors of the American flag also hold deep meaning. The red symbolizes hardiness and valor, the white represents purity and innocence, and the blue stands for vigilance, perseverance, and justice. These colors embody the virtues and principles that the United States was founded upon, and the...
A. The American flag is a very important symbol of the nation. B. The authority and dignity of the American flag should be protected. C. The American flag symbolizes the spirit of the Constitution. D. The meaning of the American flag is formal rather than substantial.如何...
Task one: Yes, the previous sentence explained what the American flag symbolizes, and this sentence describes a daily practice involving the flag. Task two: Original sentence: Every morning students face the flag and say the Pledge of Allegiance. ...
1.To serve as a symbol of:"Munich, the 1938 Hitler-Chamberlain meeting that now symbolizes the idea of appeasement"(Jonathan Alter). 2.To represent or identify by a symbol. v.intr. To use symbols. sym′bol·i·za′tion(-bə-lĭ-zā′shən)n. ...
Presents information on the values of patriotism in reference to the misuse of the American flag. Information that the flag symbolizes the unity, federal and spiritual, but in those years it became the banner of the divisions; View that the hangover ...
每年6月14日为“美国国旗制定纪念日” American national flag alternate name “stars and stripes” (The Stars and Stripes), “ancient honor” (Old Glory) and " The Star-Spangled Banner ".The universal view believed that, symbolizes the courage red, the white symbol freedom, the blue color ...