byLily Meyer[F] The debut novel from Meyer, a critic and translator, reckons with the United States’ political intervention in South America through the stories of two generations: a young couple who meet in 1970s Santiago, and their American-born child spending a semester Buenos Aires. Meye...
American Crisis, The - Thomas PaineAnglo-Saxon Britain - Grant AllenAntisocial Conspiracy, The - Abbé BarreulBackwash of War, The - Ellen N. La MotteBede's Ecclesiastical History of England - BedeBehind the Veil at the Russian Court - Catherine Radziwill...
a collection of Christmas short stories, a children’s book about elephants, a crime thriller, a dive into Baby Boomer fashion, a cookbook, and a collection of short stories (to which I contributed).
Author Emily Mester takes on consumerism inAmerican Bulk(W.W. Norton), a series of thought-provoking essays about excess and how it shapes our character, our sense of self and our connections to others. It’s a first-person narrative about our endless cycle of wanting, buying, consuming—an...
First, we need to go back 25 years to the year 1991. The song “The Christmas Guest” is a musical adaptation of the poem “The Story of the Christmas Guest” by American poet Helen Steiner Rice, who wrote religious and inspirational poetry, earning the unofficial title of “America’s ...
The Deen Bros. CookbookLorraine Wallace
Biographies, published books and more information for over 6,300 African American, and authors of African descent from the Caribbean, Europe and the Americas. The largest list of Black writers ever compiled!
Synopsis:When her American family returns to the U.S. after 16 years in South Korea, Elizabeth Rice is a hidden immigrant. She may be a white woman with American roots, but the United States is not her homeland. Part memoir, part history, her book captures the tension of living between...
starting theMeat Free Mondayscampaign in 2009 with his daughters Mary and Stella. TheBlack Bean Burgeris a family favorite, posted on the Meat Free Mondays site and included in Mary McCartney's cookbookAt My Table: Vegetarian Feasts for Family and Friends.Paul is a vegetarian die-hard but has...
starting theMeat Free Mondayscampaign in 2009 with his daughters Mary and Stella. TheBlack Bean Burgeris a family favorite, posted on the Meat Free Mondays site and included in Mary McCartney's cookbookAt My Table: Vegetarian Feasts for Family and Friends.Paul is a vegetarian die-hard but has...