Of the 143946 characters on Anime Characters Database, 9 are from the western animation The Amazing World of Gumball.
List of characters (arranged in alphabetical order) who do not have enough known information for them to have a separate page. Names that are not verified appear in bold italics. If a character was significant to the plot or had at least one speaking rol
The Amazing World of Gumball - 111 - The Laziest是【阿甘妙世界】双语字幕 高分经典必刷 看动漫学英语的第11集视频,该合集共计23集,视频收藏或关注UP主,及时了解更多相关视频内容。
The music from the title card transfers directly into the beginning of the episode. This episode was originally titled "The Music."[3] Continuity This is the twelfth episode in which Gumball and Darwin are not main characters. The first eleven were "The World," "The Extras," "The Joy,"...
The current Cartoon Network line-up has a lot of good shows, and bad ones. But a lot of them are just in the middle. This one is just in the middle of average and good. "The Amazing World of Gumball" follows the life of Gumball Watterson, 12-year-old cat who always gets into tr...
佩内洛普·“佩妮”·菲茨杰拉德是《Gumball神奇世界》的主角。她是Gumball Watterson的爱慕对象和最终女友。她是啦啦队员之一。她有时是主要群体的一部分。 她是一个会变形的仙女,在爱尔摩初中的Simian老师班上。 Gumball和Penny一直都很喜欢对方,但他们两个一直在努力表达自己的感情,直到“贝壳”这一集,Gumball终于向...
What is the English language plot outline for The Amazing World of Gumball: The Series (2023)? Answer See more gaps Learn more about contributing Edit pageAdd episode More from this title Cast & crew External sites Company credits Filming & production ...
The Amazing World of Gumball: The Movie: Directed by Ben Bocquelet. With Adam Long, Alex Jordan, Nicolas Cantu, Sandra Dickinson. Gumball's biggest fan finds the lost episode of the show and accidentally opens a portal that connects his world to Gumball'
The Choices: Directed by Mic Graves. With Jacob Hopkins, Terrell Ransom Jr., Kyla Rae Kowalewski, Teresa Gallagher. While reminiscing about meeting Richard, Nicole wonders if her life would have been better if she'd taken a different path.
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