The story inThe Amazing Spider-Man 2remains true to the Spider-Man universe—a generic criminal kills Uncle Ben, and Peter Parker is on a mission for vengeance. So, if you’re looking for a new Spider-Man tale, you won’t find it here. Although Peter Parker’s cheesiness is a part ...
With a great licence comes a great chance of disappointment. And, we'll admit, before even firing up the game, we were prepared to be underwhelmed by The Amazing Spider-Man 2 . Things got of...
今年年初的时候就在蜘蛛侠电影官方网站上放出的新蜘蛛侠主题,让我们知道了这次Hans Zimmer会非常不一样。作为Hans Zimmer为蜘蛛侠创作的新主题,原声碟中的第三轨“I'm Spider-Man”出现在影片的开头。这个的号角式的主题很难不让人联想到Aaron Copland著名的《平凡人的号角》,而相比于蝙蝠侠、超人等早期漫画超级英...
Superheroes are heroic because they feel a moral obligation to help the average Joe. Not this Spider-Man. All the characters struggle against the system that has perpetuated falsehoods. The main characteristic of the film is the gloomy atmosphere, emphasizing the desolate hopelessness. The cinematog...
喜欢听"The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (Expanded Score)"的人也喜欢的唱片 ··· Wonder Woman 1984 (Sketches fr... 8.2 The Amazing Spider-Man 7.2 Batman Begins (Expanded Score) 9.0 How to Train Your Dragon: The Del... 9.0 Iron Man (Complete Score) Iron Man 3: Heroes Fall (Music ...
这么说吧,游戏《神奇蜘蛛侠2(The Amazing Spider-Man 2)》可以被形容为“索然无味”。它有索然无味的画面,索然无味的对话,索然无味的故事,满是问题而且可能永远也不会得到解决,有一个类似于其他游戏的角色升级系统,给人的很强烈的“过时”感。虽然玩家游戏中有时会享受到一些乐趣,但它显然不能与其他的开放...
Sky Force Anniversary - Review Pac-Man Championship Edition 2 - Review The Final Station - Review Ninja Pizza Girl - Review Tags: Activision, Beenox, Spider-Man, Spider-Man 2, The Amazing Spider-Man, The Amazing Spider-Man 2, the required uniform, tights, WEBS Posted in Reviews 2 Comments...
【游戏封面】游戏名称:神奇蜘蛛侠2英文名称:The Amazing Spider-Man 2游戏类型:动作冒险游戏制作:Beenox游戏发行:Activision游戏平台:PC/Xbox360/PS3/ XboxOne/PS4/3DS上市时间:2014.04.29
Film Review : The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (12A) : Spidey Senses Tingling at RebootSynnot, Siobhan
玩具的本体一览图,此次MAFEX的蜘蛛侠造型是来自于电影重启之后的第二部《超凡蜘蛛侠2》里的造型,相比第一部中的黄眼版蜘蛛战服,2里的造型更接近于以往蜘蛛侠的经典造型。玩具涂装使用了金属红色使得整个玩具质感极佳,玩具整体细节非常出色,蜘蛛侠面具的眼罩部分还使用了透明材质为玩具的整体素质增色不少。 送TA礼物...