Braille (alphabet for the blind) 盲文 letter (of the alphabet) 字母 The Alphabet of Ben-Sira 便西拉的字母 Braille characters (alphabet for the blind) 点字·盲字·點字 more (+1) Add example Translations of "the alphabet" into Chinese in sentences, translation memory Declension Stem ...
the study or science of alphabets. —alphabetologist,n. analphabetic 1.unable to read or write. 2.descriptive of a language written without an alphabet; that is, with a syllabary (Cherokee), in hieroglyphics (ancient Egyptian), in ideograms (Chinese) , or in pictograms (American Indian)....
alphabetology the study or science of alphabets. —alphabetologist,n. analphabetic 1.unable to read or write. 2.descriptive of a language written without an alphabet; that is, with a syllabary (Cherokee), in hieroglyphics (ancient Egyptian), in ideograms (Chinese) , or in pictograms (Americ...
In the chinese alphabet, small letters are written like capital letters, and vice versa. A 诶 ēi B 比 bǐ C 西 xī D 迪 dí E 伊 yī F 艾弗 ài fú G 吉 jí H 艾尺 ài chǐ I 艾 ài J 杰 jié K 开 kāi L 艾勒 ài lè M 艾马 ài mǎ N 艾娜 ài nà O 哦 ó P ...
Why is Learning the Chinese Alphabet Important? Top A language’s alphabet is its building blocks. Trying to learn how to write in Chinese without first learning its alphabet is a bit like trying to build a brick house without touching the individual bricks! It is impossible to do a good...
The Chinese language has no alphabet. Or, to be more precise, the Chinese written language does not have an alphabet in the traditional sense of a set of letters that are combined to represent the sounds of words. The idea of the alphabet can be helpful, though, in understanding how Chine...
The Chinese language differs from Western languages in that, instead of an alphabet (字母表), it uses characters which stand for ideas, objects or deeds. Chinese words are formed by putting together different characters. In many cases, a single character can also make up a word. As one kind...
What alphabet is the Chinese alphabet from?The Chinese Language:Mandarin is the most widely-spoken language in China. It is closely related to a number of other languages spoken in the country, including Cantonese.Answer and Explanation:
How is the Chinese alphabet? Now we understand that “Pinyin” is not real Chinese, nor the real alphabet, we understand that it’s used to show thepronunciationsof Chinese characters. So if you write in Pinyin to Chinese people, they probably won’t understand what you mean. However, the...
The Chinese language differs from western languages in that, instead of an alphabet (字母表), it uses characters (汉字) which stand for ideas, objects or deeds. As one kind of the most ancient characters, Chinese characters have played an important part in the development of Chinese culture....