gene frequency (redirected fromAllele frequency) Medical Encyclopedia Wikipedia Related to Allele frequency:Genotype frequency gene frequency n. The frequency of occurrence of an allele in relation to that of other alleles of the same gene in a population. ...
allele frequency (redirected fromallelic frequency) Medical [ə′lēl ¦frē·kwən·sē] (genetics) The fraction of all alleles at a given locus constituted by a particular allele in a population. Also known as gene frequency. McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, ...
beta - The effect size. If the trait is binary then log(OR) should be used se - The standard error of the effect size effect_allele - The allele of the SNP which has the effect marked in beta 当然还有一些其它的信息也可以选择性的提供: other_allele - The non-effect allele eaf - The...
The frequency of the recessive allele can be found by finding the square root of the proportion of individuals displaying the recessive trait. This is... Learn more about this topic: Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium | Equation & Evolutionary Agents ...
The amyloid cascade hypothesis — which posits that the deposition of the amyloid-β peptide in the brain is a central event in Alzheimer's disease (AD) pathology — has strongly influenced recent AD drug discovery efforts. However, so far all agents tar
[110,111,112]. More generally, the genomic heritabilities h2SNPand h2summaryare specific to the variant set considered. Filtering on the minor allele frequency is usual, sex chromosomes are excluded, and h2summaryis computed after removing the major histocompatibility complex region (which contains ...
The risk allele frequency relates to the effect size: a risk variant that has a high odds ratio but is rare in the population is much more difficult to identify with GWAS than a common variant linked to moderate or mild risk within the population. Additionally, population stratification (when...
The frequency of 82% is different from other Caucasians (90-94%), Indians (67%), Vietnam (67%) and Africans (15%). but lower than frequency in Chinese populations (74%) and Korean (76%). The allele frequency of the -744T (4%) is different from frequencies of Caucasian, American,...
The frequency of an allele is the number of alleles within a population that are of the same type. Allele frequency is one way to compare genetic diversity in populations. The allele frequency of a gene can be used to determine how ...
Related to allele:Dominant allele,multiple allele,Recessive allele al·lele (ə-lēl′) n. Any of the alternative forms of a gene or other homologous DNA sequence. Also calledallelomorph. [GermanAllel, short forAllelomorph,allelomorph, from Englishallelomorph.] ...