The Allegory of the Cave的书评 ···(全部 1 条) 热门 oyowei2014-09-13 08:41:24 Reality of Knowledge 这篇书评可能有关键情节透露 What you see is not what you see, nothing is as it seems. The study of truth is a plethora of philosophy. Philosophy is the study of the fundamental...
这是文章的标题,一个大写为 the Allegory of the Cave。著名的《洞穴之喻》以形象生动的方式表明了柏拉图政治哲学的基本理念,这就是:理想的国家具有唯一性,真正的哲学家适合做统治者;囚徒缺少的是自由而不仅仅是知识;理想国家须以宗教作补充。柏拉图的哲学王思想标志着古典希腊城邦公共政治生活时代...
“The Allegory of the Cave”– an excerpt from Book VII ofThe Republic by Platotranslated in 1941 by Francis M. Cornford Next, said I, here is a parable to illustrate the degrees in which our nature may be enlightened or unenlightened. Imagine the condition of men living in a sort of ...
S. Marc CohenPhilosophyPlato, "The Allegory of the Cave," The Republic Book VII, trans. B. Jowlett (London: Vintage, 1991).
the one of the young student of Socrates and theinterlocutorduring the book.The allegory of the caveis mainly aboutthe story of prisoners who can only see the shadows on the wall and what will happen if one of the prisoners is out in the outside world.In a dark cave, there are some ...
洞穴之喻(Allegory of the Cave) 这是柏拉图在《国家篇》514-521中描述的对人类知识的基本想像 在一个黑暗的山洞里,几个人被绑在凳子上背对着洞口,无法动弹。在他们的后面是一堵墙,墙外有一堆火,火发出的光将一些事物的影子投射在洞底的墙壁上,而被绑着的人只能看到墙壁上的影子。他们以为事物的真实样子就像...
Free Essay: The Allegory of the Cave is the story of how Socrates interpreted the town of Athens, Greece to his loyal student Plato. The cave goes way back...
The_Allegory_of_the_CaveThe Allegory of the Cave Plato realizes that the general run of humankind can think, and speak, etc., without (so far as they acknowledge) any awareness of his realm of Forms. The allegory of the cave is supposed to explain this. In the allegory, Plato likens ...
Plato "Allegory of the Cave" essaysAfter reading Plato's "Allegory of the Cave," one can only agree with Socrates when he states that "...the power and capacity of learning exists in the soul already..." (Plato 282) . this is easily interpreted as mean