创神之阿尔斯马格纳 The Alchemist of Ars Magna|官方中文|本体+1.2.1升补|NSZ|原版| 曾经为炼金术的创始人,带领人们从逐渐灭亡的世界至一片新大地。 作为人造的『创神』们守护者,在和谐丰腴的土地上,人们过着平静的生活。 然而,经过很长一段时间,死亡物质「尘灰」开始吞噬新天地──阿尔克斯大陆。 疯狂的创神...
創神之阿爾斯馬格納 The Alchemist of Ars Magna減20% HKD 429 HKD 343 172 My Nintendo黃金點數 購買 為驅散塵灰,聚集起來吧,睿智與調和的信徒們―鍊金術學園RPG 本作是以面臨塵灰危機的阿爾克斯大陸的卡里奧斯特羅魔導學院為舞台,見證男主角「信」與像是家人般一起長大的師姐「阿莉雅」、志願是成為煉金術士的...
「創神之阿爾斯馬格納 The Alchemist of Ars Magna」是將 Ninetail 發售的同名 PC 遊戲改為一般向重製到 Nintendo Switch 平台的學園RPG遊戲。 本作是以面臨塵灰危機的阿爾克斯大陸的卡里奧斯特羅魔導學院為舞台,見證男主角「信」,與像是家人般一起長大的師姐「阿莉雅」、志願是成為煉金術士的公主「瑟瑞斯」、探求...
This is an alchemy academy RPG set at the Cagliostro Academy of Magic in the world of the continent of Arcaus, which is threatened by a crisis known as the Oblivion. The story follows the protagonist, Shin, his older apprentice sister Aria, the princess and aspiring alchemist Ceres, and hi...
The Alchemist of Ars Magna (Switch eShop Game) first released 7th Nov 2024, developed by Cosen and published by Cosen. - This is an alchemy academy RPG set a...
The Alchemist of Ars Magna(2019) Quotes|Add Images Comment paw.com The Curiosity Box Kyoku Knives Member Features |LoginorRegister Links 04:43 am Anonymous Who is this? Replies: 1 Ren Ameria Matsunaga she cutely looks like Shoukaku (KC)!~ which is ironic too.-Anonymous ...
FromThe Alchemist of Ars Magna Media Typeh-game Voiced ByNozomi Yoneshima, 米島希, よねしま のぞみ Tags Personality Menu Day 0Character of the Daynominations Week 0Character of the Weeknominations Month 0Character of the Monthnominations ...
创神之阿尔斯马格纳創神之阿爾斯馬格納The Alchemist of Ars Magna Ninetail 2023-03-31 - . -- . - 中文 0想玩0在玩1玩过5已购买0在关注 列表贡献点评举报 简介 开发/发行 链接 Logo 暂无评分- . -评论数不足- . - “以炼金学校为背景的炼金学校 RPG”主角学习并掌握了对策,因此进入学院,在研究、学习...
游戏名称:创神之阿尔斯马格纳 英文名称:The Alchemist of Ars Magna 游戏类型:角色扮演类(RPG)游戏 ...
The Alchemist of Ars Magna In this fertile and harmonious land where man-made "Gods of Creation" act as guardians, humans lead a peaceful existence. However, a long time has since passed, and now the world ending "Dust" begins to encroach....