Old-fashioned New York dined at seven, and the habit of after-dinner calls, though derided in Archer's set, still generally prevailed. As the young man strolled up Fifth Avenue from Waverley Place, the long thoroughfare was deserted but for a group of carriages standing before the...
The Age of Innocence Book I On a January evening of the early seventies, Christine Nilsson was singing in Faust at the Academy of Music in New York. Though there was already talk of the erection, in remote metropolitan distances "above the Forties," of a new Opera House which should...
But when he had gone the brief round of her he returned discouraged by the thought that all this frankness and innocence were only an artificial product. Untrained human nature was not frank and innocent; it was full of the twists and defences of an instinctive guile. And he felt himself ...
When Newland Archer opened the door at the back of the club box the curtain had just gone up on the garden scene. There was no reason why the young man should not have come earlier, for he had dined at seven, alone with his mother and sister, and had lingered afterward over a cigar...
The Age of Innocence(纯真年代),故事发生在19世纪70年代末80年代初的纽约上流社会,男主人公对初恋情人重新燃起了爱,而又割舍不下未婚妻,陷入了情感纠葛的旋涡。这是个无知的年代,迂腐和守旧禁锢了一段萌生的真挚情爱;这也是纯真的年代,情感没有逾越道德的底线。书
The Age of Innocence(纯真年代) Edith Newbold Jones 著 故事发生在19世纪70年代末80年代初的纽约上流社会,男主人公对初恋情人重新燃起了爱,而又割舍不下未婚妻,陷入了情感纠葛的旋涡。这是个无知的年代,迂腐和守旧禁锢了一段萌生的真挚情爱;这也是纯真的年代,情感没有逾越道德的底线。书中探索了社会在冲破旧...
When the fact dawned on him it nearly broke his heart, but now it seemed the redeeming feature of the case. The affair, in short, had been of the kind that most of the young men of his age had been through, and emerged from with calm consciences and an undisturbed belief in the ...
The Age of Innocence(纯真年代),故事发生在19世纪70年代末80年代初的纽约上流社会,男主人公对初恋情人重新燃起了爱,而又割舍不下未婚妻,陷入了情感纠葛的旋涡。这是个无知的年代,迂腐和守旧禁锢了一段萌生的真挚情爱;这也是纯真的年代,情感没有逾越道德的底线。书
"Of course I want to know you, my dear," cried Mrs. Struthers in a round rolling voice that matched her bold feathers and her brazen wig. "I want to know everybody who's young and interesting and charming. And the Duke tells me you like music--didn't you, Duke? You're a pianis...
The Age of Innocence is Edith Wharton's twelfth novel, initially serialized in four parts in the Pictorial Review magazine in 1920, and later released by D. Appleton and Company as a book in New York and in London. It won the 1921 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction, making it the first novel ...