Define Age of Enlightenment. Age of Enlightenment synonyms, Age of Enlightenment pronunciation, Age of Enlightenment translation, English dictionary definition of Age of Enlightenment. n. The Enlightenment. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English
(redirected fromThe Age of Enlightenment) the period of intellectual ferment leading up to the French Revolution, which was distinguished by a fundamental questioning of traditional modes of thought and social organization, and sought to replace these with an exclusive reliance on human reason in dete...
the Age of Enlightenment meaning, definition, what is the Age of Enlightenment: a period in European history, in the 18t...: Learn more.
欧洲文化入门(The Age of Enlightenment)欧洲文化入门(六)TheAgeofEnlightenment(启蒙时代)I.GeneralIntroduction Enlightenment启蒙时代/理性时代 WhatistheEnlightenmentMovement?TheEnlightenmentMovementwasaprogressivemovement,whichflourishedinFranceandsweptthewholeWesternEuropeatthetime.ItwasafurtheranceoftheRenaissancefromthe...
This was the Age of Enlightenment which looked to the classical world for its symbols of order, reason and inspiration. 这是在启蒙时代,人们都遵循传统世界的秩序、动因和灵感。 2. Based on this, I believe that the British Gothic fiction is the myth of the Age of Enligh...
1.definition: The Age of Enlightenment was an anti-feudal and anti-church cultural movement of intellectuals in 17th and 18th century Europe, which made an mental preparation for the bourgeois revolution. 2.Neoclassicism: In the field of literature, the Enlightenment Movement brought about a revival...
英国文学 The Age of Enlightenment Unit5TheAgeofEnlightenment 1.AGEOFTHEENLIGHTENMENTWecancalltheeighteenthcenturytheageoftheenlightenmentbecauseitwasbothaculminationandanewbeginning.Freshcurrentsofthoughtwerewearingdowninstitutionalizedtraditions.Newideasandnewapproachestooldinstitutionsweresettingthestageforgreat...
21.1: The Age of Enlightenment 21.1.1: Enlightenment Ideals Centered on the idea that reason is the primary source of authority and legitimacy, the Enlightenment was a philosophical movement that dominated the world of ideas in Europe in the 18th century. Learning Objective Identify the core ideas...
文档标签: of t OF The Age 课件PPT the ppt THE AGE I.GeneralIntroductionWhatistheEnlightenmentMovement?TheEnlightenmentMovementwasaprogressivemovement,whichflourishedinFranceandsweptthewholeWesternEuropeatthetime.ItwasafurtheranceoftheRenaissancefromthe14thtothe17thcentury.Itspurposewastoenlightenthewholeworldwith...
enlightenment [ɪnˈlaɪtnmənt] N 1. (= clarification) we need some enlightenment on this point→ necesitamos una aclaración sobre este punto 2. (= tolerance)→ progresismo msexual enlightenment→ progresismo m sexualthe (Age of) Enlightenment→ el Siglo de las Luces 3. (Rel)→ ...