The adventure itself is fairly tame — Baum was phoning it in, at this point — but the payoff is Ozma’s meta-textual bash. The partygoers include not only Baum’s Oz characters but Santa Claus, Ryls and Knooks (from The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus), Queen Zixi of Ix (...
M. 2014 . “ Pars Pro Toto Observation: Historical Anthropology in the Textual Field of Rasulid Yemen.” History and Anthropology .Varisco, D. M. 2014. "Pars Pro Toto Observation: Historical Anthropology in the Textual Field of Rasulid Yemen." History and Anthropology. doi:10.1080/...
Footnote 54 In no instance is mention made of anything resembling the Selden map, yet the adventures of the Elizabeth may be crucial to the history of the map. The relevant events have to be pieced together as best possible. What is clear is that in the summer of 1620 a Chinese junk, ...