新近电影《联邦调整局(The Adjustment Bureau)》,结构紧凑,十足一部爱情片——男女主角穿越时间和空间界线寻找爱情并捍卫爱情,口碑也越来越来好,引来一位同事悄悄地问我“谁是George Nolfi”。真是个好问题。如果命运之神允许,或者就像这部有趣的电影一样,穿着笔挺灰色西服套装、头戴浅顶软呢帽的男人允许“按计划...
“Your future has been adjusted.” Do we create our own fate or are we part of a pre-determined plan? This is the basis of the latest Philip K. Dick’s (“Blade Runner,”“Total Recall,”“Minority Report”) adaptation, “The Adjustment Bureau.” David Norris (Matt Damon) is a youn...
For "The Adjustment Bureau," while not any kind of a masterpiece, is one of the most unexpectedly pleasing and wholeheartedly enjoyable movies of the year.Mr. Nolfi's involvement in the third Jason Bourne movie may have had some input in his getting Matt Damon to take the lead as an ...
The Adjustment Bureauis the perfect date movie for guys who’ve already bought plane tickets for this year’s Comic-Con, finding clever ways to hit the soft spots without totally abandoning the fantasy. Like with its villainous Bureau players,The Adjustment Bureau’s central relationship is...
Movie Review ofThe Adjustment Bureau Most people live life on the path we set for them. However, they are too afraid to explore any other. But once in a while , people like you come along,who knock down all the obstacles we put in your way,people who realize free will is a gift. ...
It's hard to review a movie when it seems to be equal parts good and bad. The Adjustment Bureau left me with mixed feelings, and though it left my girly heart happy, remnants of all the questionable and/or cheesy plot and character elements I went along with festered in my brain. ...
The Adjustment Bureau Most people live life on the path we set for them.too afraid to explore any other.but once in a while,people like you come along who knock down all the obstacles we put in your way.people who realize free will is gift you'll never know how to use until you ...
The Adjustment Bureau: Movie ReviewIn the romantic sci-fi thriller 'The Adjustment Bureau,' MattDamon and Emily Blunt play lovers...By RainerPeter
这部影片和同时期的《时间规划局》有些类似,只是这部影片现实意义较为浓厚。马特达蒙依然在此片中展现了他较强的可塑性,这一次是一位蓝领阶层出身的政客,不过仍然继承着他一贯的低调和内敛。 影片核心的要旨在于突出了际遇的偶然性。如同现实中在一个流通性较强的体系内,人与人的相遇,你无法预知明天你会遇到谁,也...
where in truth it is closer toIt’s a Wonderful Life. Going into too much detail about the mystery of what the Adjustment Bureau is would take away from part of the surprise of the movie. The supernatural aspect is more an original way to frame the love story than the focus of the fil...