larynx noun Related words adjectivelaryngeal Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002 Translations Spanish / Español Select a language: laringe larynx [ˈlærɪŋks]N(larynxesorlarynges (pl))[ləˈr...
a. urinary b. skeletal c. gastrointestinal d. coronary e. artery ___ 6. The adjective for thorax is a. thoraxic b. thoracic c. thoral d. thorial e. thoraxial ___ 7. An acronym is formed from a. a proper name b. Latin or Greek c. a compound word d. the first letter of...
adjective 1. Produced by the voice: articulate, oral, sonant, spoken, uttered, voiced. 2. Speaking or spoken without reserve: free, free-spoken, outspoken. 3. Characterized by, containing, or functioning as a vowel or vowels: vocalic, vowel. The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. ...
vowel such as /i:/, the larynx is in a state of tension. 19.Although the [l] sound is represented by the same symbol in the two combinations of [li:f] and [fi:l], it is actually pronounced differently. 20.If a Chinese speaker pronounces the /l/ sound in /fi:l/ not as a ...
For example, the adjective forms of Minitrue, Minipax, and Miniluv were, respectively, Minitruthful, Minipeaceful, and Minilovely, simply because- trueful,-paxful, and-loveful were slightly awkward to pronounce. In principle, however, all B words could inflect, and all inflected in exactly the...
of the following phrases is exocentric A. women and men B. on the table C. a clever boy D. an ugly man 8. Arbitrariness of language was first discussed by A. Chomsky B. Halliday C. Firth D. Saussure 9. Which pair of words is NOT a minimal pair最小对立体 B A. cat / bat B....
Regardless of confusing categories of paralinguistic attributes about voice qualities, metaphors, vocal techniques, and adjective terms, which are used in different domains for different purposes, our purpose is to let machines describe classical tenor singing voice using a set of singing-related paraling...
youths, this word has become another adjective describing positive qualities. What is lit for one person could be different from another, and so this term is a personal one. Although due to its connection with popular culture, there is also a social agreement factor with this idea, so the ...
to death might be considered both ironic and somewhat Kafkaesque. Kafka’s writing is powerful enough that it spawned the adjective Kafkaesque. The term Kafkaesque has transcended beyond the description of a literary style to mean any situation that is incomprehensibly complex, bizarre, or ...
the airstream comes from the lungs.It is forced out of the lungs and then passes through the bronchioles and bronchi,a series of branching tubes,into the trachea.Then the air is modified at various points in various ways in the larynx,and in the oral and nasal cavities:the mouth and the...