诉诸人身缪误: 在开始之前,还是要强调一下之前观点:在推论的时候,我们考虑的是推论本身,而不是推论后面的人。 当时当忘记了这个结论,甚至开始人身攻击的时候,这就是诉诸人身缪误了。这样做的目的是为了转移听众的注意力。
Kagan, Michael Alan.Washington University in St. Louis.Kagan, Michael. 1988. "Psychology vs. Religion--Ad Hominem? : The Ad Hominem Fallacy and Freudian and Skinnerian Psychological Criticism of Arguments from Religious Experience." Thesis (Ph. D.). St. Louis: Washington University....
ad hominem is an informal fallacy. This type of fallacy is where the flaw lies in the application of an argument rather than in the logic of the argument itself.
7.诉诸人身谬误(英语:ad hominem fallacy) 含义: 指借由与当前论题无关之个人特质,如人格、动机、态度、地位、阶级或处境等,作为驳斥对方或支持己方论证的理据。诉诸人身又称作“对人不对事”、“因人废言””等。 详解: 诉诸人身可诉诸负面特质(也称作人身攻击谬误)、正面特质、或中立特质。 人身攻击的结果可...
Define Ad hominem fallacy. Ad hominem fallacy synonyms, Ad hominem fallacy pronunciation, Ad hominem fallacy translation, English dictionary definition of Ad hominem fallacy. adj. 1. Attacking a person's character or motivations rather than a position or
1、人身攻击型谬误(adhominem fallacy) 在论证过程中,既不直接反驳对方的论点,也不直接反驳其提供的论据,而是针对个人的人身攻击,举例如下: 张三:我认为大学生谈恋爱纯粹是浪费时间和金钱,应该把更多的时间用在学习知识和完善自我身上,多拓展自己的知识范围,多参加课外活动,多去企业实习,尽早开始自己的职业和人生规划...
Definition and explanation: Latin for “to the person,” the ad hominem fallacy is a personal attack. Essentially, instead of addressing the substance of an argument, someone is attempting to discredit the argument by attacking the source. ...
(1)人身攻击(Ad Hominem) (2)德克萨斯神枪手(Texas Sharpshooter) (3)沉没成本谬误(Sunk Cost Fallacy) (4)主流思想谬误(Bandwagon Fallacy) (5)稻草人(Straw Man) (6) 诉诸权威(Appeal to Authority) (7)后此谬误(Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc)
For example:In a satirical novel, the ad hominem fallacy might be used to mock the absurdity of political campaigns by attacking candidates based on their appearance rather than their policies. 2. To create suspense or tension: By obscuring the truth or creating confusion. For example, a ...
Abstract: The ad hominem fallacy occurs whenever the character or circumstances of an individual who is advancing an argument is criticized instead of seeking to disprove the argument provided.https://philosophy.lander.edu/logic/person.html Message 27 of 111 latest reply 3 H...