The Extra Acupuncture Points 奇穴AcupunctureExtra pointsThe extra acupuncture points are commonly used non-meridian acupuncture points.doi:10.1007/978-1-4614-5275-1_24Yuan-Chi LinCynthia S. TungSpringer New York
-‘Master Tung Acupuncture point application’ is a professional application made by Dr. Tung Ching-Chang's “董氏針灸正經奇穴學 -1973-” as a 3D human body model. - It co…
The 14 Main Acupuncture Point Meridian of the hand , The Extra Acupuncture Point of the hand, and The Master Tung`s Acupuncture Point of the hand are displayed on the 3D model as background, so you can organize them by comparing them with The Hand Acupoints. ...
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auricular thrombosis auriculariales auriculo acupuncture auriscalpium vulgar s aurochs wisent auroposeidon proteles auroxanthin aus australia flag aus der haspel einfan ausbezahlen ausbreiteversuch m ausbÜrgerung auschwitz and birkena auscultation area ausdauer beharrlichke ausdruckslos ausfasern ausflug ...
- The 14 Main Acupuncture Point of the hand , The Extra Acupuncture Point of the hand, and The Master Tung`s Acupuncture Point of the hand are displayed on the 3D model as background, so you can organize them by comparing them with The Hand Acupoints. - The skin, muscles, and nerves...
Conversely, the opening points creator, Yang Jizhou warned that these points only have an interim effect, and the vessels themselves still need to be acupunctured [24], an opinion with which even the recent distal needling master Tung (Shandong-Taiwan) never disagreed [25]. CM principally ...
Shen Chou, Tai Chin, Wen Cheng-ming, T'ang Yin, and Tung Ch'i-ch'ang are but a few of the many great masters of this period. Under the Ch'ing dynasty (1644–1912) a high level of technical competence was maintained, particularly in the applied arts, until the 19th cent., when ...
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t he-man and masterba t heart breaking even t heavy duty t hello t helreiÐ brynhildar t her animi gÜzelleŞt t her kingdom t hey gidi genÇlik t hey way t hey what do you wan t heyya mola t heyyygirl t hi - jacko t high t highway t hirodai t hiÇÇÇ t holi...