The action can't be completed because the file is open in Preview Handler Surrogate Host 后面,我用 PowerToys 的关闭文件关联的应用功能,还是不行。 选中文件资源管理器卡住 选中文件的时候,整个资源管理器页面卡住。任务管理器中重启资源管理器,每次选中这个文件都会卡住。 而且C盘的空间也越来越小。 解决办法...
Can't change the Auto growth option on my Database Can't connect SQL Server via TCP/IP Can't connect the sql server instance with host name from out side of the server ? can't connect to my server Can't ena...
Not really, only the developer can know what's going on under the hood with application.Regards, Dave Patrick ... Microsoft Certified Professional Microsoft MVP [Windows Server] Datacenter ManagementDisclaimer: This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties or guarantees, and confers no right...
but it may generate newer issues. Like, when you are trying to remove a file from File Explorer, you may see an error message –“File In Use The action
A user asked me in comment section that when he is trying to delete a folder, an error message appears saying The action cannot be completed because the file is open in another program. If you are also facing this problem, here are some quick working fixes for this problem....
The action can’t be completed because the folder is open in another program 真的烦,想删还不能删,淦 虽然重启可以解决这个问题,但是我不服,我就是要看看哪个孙子干这事 解决方法 打开windows 资源管理器 – Resource Monitor 选择顶部OverView 旁边的CPU tab ...
While modifying files in Windows 10, if you receive "The action can't be completed because the file is open in COM Surrogate" error, this fix may help you.
操作无法完成,因为文件夹已在另一个程序中打开(the action can't be completed because the folder or a file in it is open in another program) 解决方法: 启动任务管理器——性能——资源监视器——CPU选项卡——关联的句柄——搜索句柄 ——(输入)要删除的文件夹名——搜索到与文件夹名句柄相关联的进程...
After the data is safe, you can safely solve the problem “the action can't be completed because the folder or a file in it is open in another program.” 1. Clean Up the Disk The first, fairly simple error correction option is Disk Cleanup. This can be done using the Disk Cl...
Trying to modify a file on Windows, but you get the 'The action cannot be completed because the file is open in another program' Error? This issue can be very annoying because it completely prevents you from renaming, moving, deleting, or tampering with the file in any other way. The is...